Beth Slocum
Welch, MN
Beth Slocum has been raising sheep in Goodhue County for more than 40 years. She discovered LSP in the late 80’s after meeting Brian DeVore and reading the Land Stewardship Letter and was hooked.
“Here were the stories of the larger farming community I wanted to be part of, stories that inspired me to learn and grow as a farmer and shepherd. Stories that affirmed the value of the small farms that surrounded me and were slowly slipping away.
LSP gave me access to farmers and field days, lobby days and the legislature – and a community that shared my deep connection to the land and wanted to care for it well. I really learned what stewardship means – in all its dimensions – for the land, for our animals, for the wildness on the edges, and for the farming folks and small-town businesses that support life in the countryside – schools, churches, grocery stores, veterinarians, elevators, clinics, Main Street – all the elements of healthy, thriving communities. These are the gifts of LSP and I will always be grateful.”
Over the years, Beth has participated in numerous LSP steering committees, cohorts, and campaigns. She serves on the board of the Land Stewardship Action Fund, LSP’s political leadership development partner. Slocum is currently serving as the chair of LSP’s board.