
Land Line: Relay Cropping, Ag Committees, CO2 & Crops, Superbugs, SNAP

Nov. 6 : An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Relay Cropping Helps Northeast Iowa Farmer Reach a Lofty Goal (October 2020) Northeastern Iowa farmer Loran Steinlage is using “relay cropping” to keep living roots in the soil 365-days-a-year, according to 4R Plus. Steinlage was getting good yields growing continuous corn-on-corn. But…  Read More

Red Rooster Ranch: Spreading the Cover Crop Message

Staff from the Land Stewardship Project’s Bridge to Soil Health Program have been getting out and visiting farms the past few months. These visits are primarily to: network and meet with farmers in our Soil Builders’ Network, see what practices people are trying out on the landscape, determine what farmers want more information on, and…  Read More

Soil Health: Eyes on the Underground Acres

Unearthing the Links Between Soil Health, Farm Profits & Water Quality Building soil health may be about bugs, bacteria, and biology, but justifying farming practices that nurture such a natural process often comes down to a human-generated gauge of success: how much money does it put (or keep) in the bank? On a sunny day…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Prevented Plant, Dicamba, COVID-19, Food Assistance, Meat Processing, Reconnecting Black Farmers & Land

Oct. 30: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Prevented Plant at Historic Highs Again in 2020 (10/26/20) Over 10 million acres of U.S. crop ground was not planted this year as a result of extreme weather conditions, reports Agricultural Economic Insights. This growing season marks the second-highest “prevented plant” level in…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Singing Soil Health’s Praises, Hunger & Children, COVID Relief, Farm Stress

Oct. 23: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Connecting Farmers Through Music, Land Stewardship Project Commissions Conservation Songs (10/18/20) Kaitlyn Riley at WIZM Radio describes how LSP this fall added a new, melodic twist to its soil health work by producing a music video called, “Got Cover Crops.” Highlights: LSP collaborated…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Re-Carbonizing Soil, Hot September, Ag Payments, School Meals, Price Fixing

Oct. 15: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities World Food Prize Laureate Advocates for Re-Carbonizing Soil to Protect Food Production (10/13/20) Soil scientist Rattan Lal, the 2020 Word Food Prize laureate, makes the case that agriculture globally must take better care of its most valuable resource to not only produce more,…  Read More

LSP Land Line: MnDOT & Spraying, Frac Sand, Rural COVID-19, Climate-Smart Ag

Oct. 9: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Minnesota Department of Transportation rethinks no-spray ditch program after yanking signs (10/9/20) The Minnesota Department of Transportation is reevaluating its decision to pull “Do Not Spray” signs without warning in southeastern Minnesota, according to the Star Tribune. Farmers, including LSP members, had complained…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Ag & Climate Change, Cover Crops, Farmland Prices, Local Food Up North

Oct. 5: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities U.S. farm landscapes could be reshaped by changing climate – research (10/5/20) Climate change could render swathes of agricultural land largely useless for farming in the U.S. South, and force Midwestern farmers to move corn and soybeans elsewhere as crop yields decline, reports…  Read More

Farm Transitions: A Transition Power Team

A Farm Transfers Ownership & a Farmer Transfers into a New Role What’s that stuff in soil that’s supposed to provide humans a sense of wellbeing? You know, like a protozoa-based version of Prozac? Emmalyn Kayser is trying to come up with the name on a recent March afternoon as she and Chris Burkhouse squat…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Organic Acreage Up, Local Meat Production, Price Fixing

Sept. 30: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Mercaris: Organic Production Continues to Grow (9/28/20) The U.S. harvested organic field crop area will exceed 3.4 million acres over the 2020-2021 marketing year, which is an increase of 4% over the previous marketing year, according to the market data service Mercaris. The…  Read More