Action Alerts

Welcome to the Land Stewardship Project Action Alerts page. The Land Stewardship Project periodically sends out Action Alerts that describe how citizens can make their voices heard on critical issues related to family farming, the environment and our rural communities.

Demonstrate the Demand for the Soil Healthy Cost-Share Program

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During the 2021 Minnesota legislative session, Land Stewardship Project farmer-members wrote and championed a comprehensive soil health bill that led to the establishment of a Soil Health Cost-Share Program. Through this program, $1.3 million will be available through the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). The program will provide payments to farmers for implementing soil-healthy…  Read More

Tell Congress: We Need Rural Climate Leaders Now!

For over a year, Land Stewardship Project members have been advocating for the Agriculture Resilience Act (H.R.2803/ S.1337), a piece of federal legislation that invests in building a more climate-resilient farm and food system from the ground up. Our members have lobbied members of Congress during farm tours and in virtual meetings to advance this…  Read More

100% Soil-Healthy Farming Bill Introduction & Hearing!

Exciting news! The Land Stewardship Project’s comprehensive soil health bill was introduced in the Minnesota House last week by Rep. Todd Lippert (DFL-Northfield), with a growing list of co-authors from across the state. The Senate bill is coming soon, and we need your help. Over 2,000 LSP members and supporters came together last summer and…  Read More

Act Now: Day One Demands for USDA Leaders

On the campaign trail, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris communicated clear priorities to address the needs of agriculture and rural communities, including: strengthening regional food systems and anti-trust enforcement, expanding conservation programs with a focus on soil health and carbon sequestration, increasing microloans for beginning farmers, and advancing racial justice and accountability…  Read More

Sign the Petition Incentivizing 100% Soil Healthy Farming

Farmers are on the front lines of the climate crisis — battling extreme weather and changing seasons while also building soil health to sequester carbon and manage water. In developing the Land Stewardship Project’s Soil Health and Climate Campaign, our members were clear: now is the time for landscape-scale transformation. That’s why we’ve crafted a…  Read More

Protect Minnesota Voices During the 2021 Legislative Session

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not outside corporate interests who want to write special laws for themselves at the expense of our communities and democracy. During the last three legislative sessions, the Land Stewardship Project and our allies in the Protect MN Voices Coalition successfully stopped efforts by outside…  Read More

Help Extend Farmer-Lender Mediation Today

The Land Stewardship Project is dedicated to fighting for a farm and food system rooted in environmental sustainability, democracy, and economic justice for rural communities. Part of our fight for economic justice in farming has been giving farms and farm families the time they need to financially recover from the effects of a farm economy…  Read More

Put People & the Land Before Big Oil

Nurturing the water, soil, and air that life depends on means we must move away from the extractive economic practices that define our current corporate-controlled economy. In 2019, Land Stewardship Project members came together to craft a bold “Vision For the Future,” in which we collectively committed to shift farming practices so they restore life…  Read More

MN EQB Poised to Allow Frac Sand Mining Proposal in SE MN to Move Forward without EIS

Urgent action is needed to protect southeastern Minnesota from the harmful impacts of the major frac sand mining, processing, and transportation operation proposed by the company Minnesota Sands, LLC. In March 2013, thanks to organizing and pressure from the people of southeastern Minnesota, the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) enforced the requirement of an Environmental…  Read More