Action Alerts

Welcome to the Land Stewardship Project Action Alerts page. The Land Stewardship Project periodically sends out Action Alerts that describe how citizens can make their voices heard on critical issues related to family farming, the environment and our rural communities.

Action Needed (Again!) to Secure Full Funds for Forever Green

With just a few days left in the Minnesota legislative session, we need another push to ensure the state fully funds its investment in the Forever Green Initiative. Members of the Legacy Finance conference committee will begin to meet this week and need to hear from Minnesotans across the state. This is the first time…  Read More

Tell your State Representative to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not outside corporate interests who want to write special laws for themselves at the expense of the rest of us. Right now, these outside corporate interests are attempting to weaken our free speech rights in a way that disproportionately targets Indigenous Minnesotans and other…  Read More

14 Days Left in the Legislative Session: Make Your Voice Heard

Our state of Minnesota has the power and responsibility to create a transformational, regenerative food and farm system that is good for family farmers, rural communities, and the land. But so far this state legislative session, we have not seen our leaders take the bold action we need to advance our vision for rural Minnesota.…  Read More

Tell Policymakers it’s Time to Fully Invest in Forever Green

For the first time in Minnesota state legislative history, full funding for the Forever Green Initiative, —$10 million for the biennium—has been included in an omnibus finance bill. This is something to celebrate — it would not have been possible without the efforts of Land Stewardship Project members, our allies, and legislative champions. This year…  Read More

Tell Your State Senator to Stop the Healthcare Heist

UPDATE (5/2/19): So far, the Senate has decided to punt on this issue by extending the current moratorium on HMO conversions from July 2019 to July 2023, instead of passing strong protections for our public money this year. During debate on the Senate floor, Senator Michelle Benson referred to Senator John Marty’s provision to protect…  Read More

EQIP and CSP Sign-up Deadlines Coming Soon

• EQIP Deadline: April 19 in Minn.; May 17 in Wis. • CSP Deadline: May 10 Contact Your Local NRCS Office Today The Land Stewardship Project wants you to know that sign-up for participation in our nation’s two largest working farmland conservation programs is open now, and the 2019 sign-up deadlines are coming soon. We…  Read More

Action Needed to Reinstate the MPCA Citizens’ Board

Good news! State legislation that reinstates the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Citizens’ Board is moving forward, but legislators are going to need to hear from constituents for it to pass (HF 973—Persell, SF 627—Marty). You may recall that during the last hours of the 2015 Minnesota legislative session, language was inserted into a massive…  Read More