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Searched for: seeking farmer to join minnesota

Sustainable Ag’s Most Critical Conversation

What is the most critical discussion that needs to take place to ensure a sustainable food and farming system long into the future? Is it one on policy, farming techniques, green technology, consumer preferences or soil fertility? No. It’s the conversation that takes place between Nettie and Gerald during LSP’s play, Look Who’s Knockin’, which…  Read More

Health Exchange Should Keep the Fox Out of the Hen House

Now is the time for all of us concerned about the future of health care in Minnesota to keep the fox out of the hen house by calling our Minnesota state senators and representatives and urging them to vote for the health insurance exchange bill put forward by Sen. Tony Lourey, DFL-Kerrick, and Rep. Joe…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Josh & Sally Reinitz

In the Land of Green Giants

When you grow up on a farm in the shadow of the Jolly Green Giant, you can’t help but think that size matters when it comes to success in agriculture. Josh Reinitz’s family’s land sits between Minneapolis and Mankato, just a few miles from where a wooden likeness of the Green One and his apprentice…  Read More

Comments Needed: New MPCA General Feedlot Permits

On Monday, June 24, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) opened a 45-day public comment period for Minnesotans to respond to proposed changes to two permits that regulate the state’s largest animal feedlots. The aim of these changes is to protect Minnesota water by reducing nitrate contamination from manure produced by feedlots that are 1,000…  Read More

Farmers Deserve the Right to Repair!

Legislation to do Just That is at Risk in the MN Legislature

It’s time to restore farmers’ right to fix the equipment they own as they choose — but legislation to do just that is at risk in the Minnesota Legislature. Right now, major farm equipment manufacturers refuse to make the software tools necessary to repair agricultural equipment fully available to farmers and independent mechanics, leaving farmers…  Read More

Meander Art Crawl & Monte Meet-Up

2023 Meander Art Crawl in the Upper Minnesota River Valley: Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1 The award-winning Meander Art Crawl is a free, self-guided tour of artist studios featuring 40 local artists — including several LSP members — from the Upper Minnesota River Valley. We encourage visitors to visit artists in their own environment who celebrate…  Read More

Minnesota Legislative Leadership Squanders Opportunity to Fully Support Farmers, Food Systems & the Land in Ag Budget 

With 24 Hours Left in the Regular Session, Rural Support Could Still Pass 

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — As the agriculture budget emerged from a House-Senate conference committee Friday evening, it appeared legislative leaders had squandered a major opportunity to invest in an economically and ecologically sustainable rural Minnesota, according to the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). “This was the state’s chance to help farmers build the kind of agricultural…  Read More

Tell Lawmakers We Need a MN Climate Budget for People & the Land

Proposal Would Support Soil Health Practices on Farms

A $1 billion proposal released by the Minnesota House Climate Action Caucus in January represents a meaningful investment in the health of our farms, soil, water, climate, and rural communities. The $1 billion proposal includes key priorities of LSP’s Soil Health and Climate Steering Committee, such as: $20 million for the Soil Health Cost-Share Program that…  Read More

Legislators Need to Bolster Local Processing in 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of global, concentrated supply chains. In addition, farmers adopting regenerative practices and growing food that nourishes people in Minnesota need markets to sell their production to. That’s why the Land Stewardship Project will be working during the 2022 session of the Minnesota Legislature to pass policies that help…  Read More

MN EQB Poised to Allow Frac Sand Mining Proposal in SE MN to Move Forward without EIS

Urgent action is needed to protect southeastern Minnesota from the harmful impacts of the major frac sand mining, processing, and transportation operation proposed by the company Minnesota Sands, LLC. In March 2013, thanks to organizing and pressure from the people of southeastern Minnesota, the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) enforced the requirement of an Environmental…  Read More