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Searched for: seeking farmland to rent wisconsin 2

Retiring Farmers & Landowners

“As a landowner, you have the power to determine the legacy of your land- that decision is the most important decision you can make.” — Bill McMillin dairy/ beef farmer who, with his wife Bonnie, transitioned their farm to a non-related beginning farmer neighbor You are in the right place to start or keep moving…  Read More

Who is Attacking the Winona County Frac Sand Ban?

Last fall, the Land Stewardship Project’s organizing efforts won a major victory when the Winona County Board in southeastern Minnesota banned any new frac sand operations in the county’s jurisdiction. In recent years, outside interests have been seeking to strip-mine and haul away silica sand from beneath southeastern Minnesota hills, bluffs and farmland to use…  Read More

Shifting the Story About Family Farming & Food

There is a widely-circulated public story, or narrative, that growing enough food for the world’s future population will require doubling production by relying on technologies such as nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides tied to traits in genetically modified crops. The narrative is that family farmers, consumers and governments must rely on corporate-controlled technology from multi-national agricultural…  Read More

One Disruption Away

I got a call from a colleague this morning asking how I was dealing with the corona virus pandemic and I said I was feeling grateful. Grateful to live in a rural area where my primary activity outside of working for the Land Stewardship Project is goofing around outside collecting firewood and going for long…  Read More

Beginning & Retiring Farmer Networking Workshop March 25 in Elgin

ELGIN, Minn. — Beginning farmers looking for land and retiring farmers seeking next-generation farmers are encouraged to attend a special Land Stewardship Project workshop on Saturday, March 25, from 9:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Peace United Methodist Church (52497 275th Ave.), in Elgin. “LSP’s Networking Farming Generations: Beginning with Hope, Retiring with Security” is…  Read More

Beginning Farmer Land Access Workshop March 4 in Elgin

ELGIN, Minn. — Beginning farmers looking for land are encouraged to attend a special Land Stewardship Project (LSP) workshop on Saturday, March 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Peace United Methodist Church (52497 275th Ave.), in Elgin. LSP’s “Beginning Farmer Land Access Workshop: Assessing Risks, Affordability and Land Access Options” is for aspiring…  Read More

Billboard Campaign Highlights the Power of Healthy Soil in Southern MN

Warning: ‘Farming Naked’ isn’t a Good Idea When it Comes to Building Resilient Fields

LEWISTON, Minn. — When isn’t farming naked a good idea? A new Land Stewardship Project (LSP) billboard campaign promoting the power of building healthy soil on southern Minnesota farms answers that question and more. The billboards, which made their debut this month near the Minnesota communities of Austin, Spring Valley, Fountain, Preston, Dexter, Grand Meadow and…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: The Curve of Binding Energy

Okay, calculus lesson of the day, courtesy of some pasture grass, fencing and a herd of ruminants. Calculus, in case you’ve forgotten, is the mathematical study of rates of change. It can be a handy way to calculate where you’re headed and how long it will take to get there. Let’s say you are a…  Read More

Land Access: Bite-by-Bite

On April 17, Land Stewardship Project members gathered in Menomonie, Wis., to discuss the challenges they face as beginning farmers seeking land to farm. They also discussed how to shape the initial stages of LSP’s organizing for more affordable, secure land tenure. These farmers shared stories about how skyrocketing land prices are creating a crisis…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 340: Entrepreneurial Equity

Beginning farmer Alondra Cano’s conversations with other Spanish-speaking agrarians have unearthed insights into the role emerging farmers can play in a regenerative food system, and what needs to be done to help them succeed. More Information • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • LSP’s Farmland Access Web Page • LSP Farmland Clearinghouse • Latino Economic Development Center • MDA…  Read More