Search Results

Searched for: seeking farmer michigan

Seeking Farmland to Rent: Minnesota

Raini is seeking to rent 2 pasture acres and a house in rural MN.  She can do some light farming, maintenance and repairs. She has excellent credit and references. She has experience with tractors, seeding, baling hay, chopping stalks. She would need some outbuildings, as a place to store hay for 3 mini horses, and…  Read More

Seeking Farm Work Experience: Minnesota

Erin is a lawyer with a very flexible, fully remote job. She is extremely passionate about sustainable, ethical, and life-giving food systems and has previously worked at a goat dairy and did a volunteer workshare at the Women’s Environmental Institute. She wants to intern or apprentice with a farm that understands she has a full-time…  Read More

Seeking Farmland to Rent or Buy: Minnesota

Sam is seeking 10 acres of land to rent or buy in MN.  Sam would need a house and ideally like a stream or river on the land. They plan to raise a mostly chickens, so any poultry barns would be great as well.

Seeking Farmland to Rent: Minnesota

Shoua is seeking up to an acre of land to rent for farming in MN.  Ideally Shoua would like to have access to water and fencing but not necessary.  Outbuildings would be ideal but not required- no housing is needed.  Shoua would like to access the land by 4/1/2024.

Seeking Internship/ Employment

Elisha is seeking and internship/ employment. Elisha grew up helping her grandparents in their gardens. Her paternal grandparents raised cows and the family farm has been in the family since 1881 and recently has been restored back to mostly prairie, it is beautiful.  Elisha would like to raise a couple dozen cows and chickens using…  Read More

Seeking Farmland to Rent: Wisconsin (Southwest)

Jill is seeking 5 pasture acres in Southwestern Wisconsin.  Jill is moving from Colorado with a small goat herd and needs fencing, water, electric and outbuildings- at least one barn and one lean to on the property  (does not to be in great condition – just wind and rain/snow block.)  Jill would need the land…  Read More

Seeking Farmland to Rent: Minnesota (Metro)

Ilian is seeking a half to two acres of organic tillable land near the Twin Cities for small-scale, no-till vegetable production.  Ilian lives in SE Minneapolis so land in close proximity would be helpful.   He would need access to water. A structure for wash-pack would be ideal, but not required.  Ilian would be ready to…  Read More