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Searched for: foodfarm main

Pollinators in Peril

As last week’s Congressional Research Service report on bee health makes clear, the crisis plaguing pollinators is not a single, big bad bogey man. It’s likely a combination of factors such as habitat loss, pesticide poisoning, introduced diseases and the stress of making domesticated honey bees the insect equivalent of migrant workers. That’s the bad…  Read More

Farmland Need Not be a Sacrificial Lamb

During yesterday’s otherwise excellent field day at the USDA’s soil conservation lab in Morris, the “S” word reared its ugly head. “S” as in our best farmland needs to be “sacrificed” in the name of food and fuel production, leaving room for only an odd corner here and there to provide a smattering of natural…  Read More

Denying the Science, Derailing the Solutions

I talked to a Todd County farmer yesterday who uses 100 percent no-till and other conservation measures to raise his crops. Conserving soil is important to him, and so he’s quite upset at how mobile humus has been on neighboring farms this fall/early winter. “You know that little skiff of snow we got the other…  Read More

Don Wyse’s Land Grant Legacy

It's Imperative Forever Green Stays True to its Foundations: Farmer-Centered, Accountable to the Public, Rooted in the Land

Back in 1998, I was working on an article for the Land Stewardship Letter about how the lack of biodiversity in agriculture was threatening the agronomic, ecological, and economic future of Midwestern farming communities. One of the people I interviewed was Don Wyse, a respected University of Minnesota plant scientist who had recently helped coordinate…  Read More

community holding signs against factory farms

LSP Applauds Court’s Support of Winona County Decision on Factory Farm

LSP Launches ‘Story Center Powerline’ Initiative for Rural Residents Fighting Big Ag

LEWISTON, Minn. — Land Stewardship Project (LSP) members applauded today’s decision by the Minnesota District Court to deny Daley Farm’s latest attempt to circumvent Winona County’s rules related to the size of large livestock operations. (The Court’s decision is available here.) For the past four years, Daley Farm has sought a variance from the county’s…  Read More

Meander Art Crawl & Monte Meet-Up

2023 Meander Art Crawl in the Upper Minnesota River Valley: Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1 The award-winning Meander Art Crawl is a free, self-guided tour of artist studios featuring 40 local artists — including several LSP members — from the Upper Minnesota River Valley. We encourage visitors to visit artists in their own environment who celebrate…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 284: Hive of Healthy Activity

From Kris Shelstad’s point of view, an empty building on Main Street is packed full of opportunities for revitalizing her hometown’s economic and cultural life, one conversation at a time. More Information: • Madison Mercantile • LSP’s Community-Based Food Systems Web Page • Support Local Food During the Upper Minnesota River Meander Sept. 30-Oct. 2…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 283: Ending the Extractive Economy

Ken Meter draws on decades of community analyses to explain why agriculture will never be truly regenerative until we fix our dysfunctional food system. More Information: • LSP Community Food Webs Learning Circles (March 2023) • Building Community Food Webs, by Ken Meter • Crossroads Resource Center • LSP Community-Based Food Systems Web Page •…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 282: Kitchen Table Economics

LSP’s Amy Bacigalupo talks about why the organization is diving deep into helping communities build food systems that can stem the tide of commodities (and wealth) leaving the land. More Information: • LSP’s Community-Based Food Systems Web Page • Ear to the Ground No. 283: Ken Meter draws on decades of community analyses to explain why…  Read More