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Searched for: seeking organic farmland to rent or buy iowa

Time for Action on Nitrate Pollution in our Groundwater

The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) is holding a public meeting in Red Wing at the St. James Hotel on Monday, March 25, at 5 p.m., to discuss the value of a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) on nitrate pollution in the karst area of southeastern Minnesota. (RSVP here.) Two million dollars is proposed in…  Read More

Overwhelming Number of Citizens Call for In-Depth Environmental Review of Winona County Mega-Dairy Expansion

Over 500 Public Comments in Opposition to Expansion Submitted to MPCA LEWISTON, Minn. — A proposed expansion of a southeastern Minnesota mega-dairy, already one of the largest in the state, is drawing demands for an in-depth environmental review from farmers and local residents. The proposed expansion to Daley Farms of Lewiston, LLP’s dairy would add…  Read More

Migrants are Not Expendable Commodities

Recent revelations that at least 2,300 migrant children have been separated from their parents under U.S. President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy highlights an ugly fact: this country’s immigration policies are inhumane, divisive and unsustainable, and they have been for a very long time. The atrocity of tearing young children from their parents is a…  Read More

Tell Governor Dayton to Get Out His Veto Pen

The Minnesota Legislative Session ends May 21 and corporate interests and their legislative allies are pushing bills that violate Minnesotans’ values and put corporate interests before the public good. We need to speak up now to ensure these harmful policies don’t pass. Many of the worst policies have been rolled into a massive omnibus finance…  Read More

Climate Conversation: Generational Regeneration

Farmers possess a kind of ground-level common sense that seems increasingly rare in today’s fast-paced, technologically-driven world. Farmers develop this common sense from a real, experiential understanding of their land. Mike Krause is one farmer who not only understands the generations’ worth of knowledge behind his family farm, what the land has been through, and…  Read More

LSP Joins National Coalition in Calling for a Farm Bill that Supports Conservation

Over 2 Dozen Farm, Food, Wildlife & Environmental Groups Send Letter to Congressional Ag Committees MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — As U.S. House and Senate agriculture committee leadership begins drafting the 2018 Farm Bill, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) this week joined over two dozen other organizations in calling for a law that greatly strengthens agricultural conservation…  Read More

Anatomy of a Grassroots Campaign

How citizens in one Minnesota county put values into action to attain a win for the land and their community. On November 22, 2016, history was made in southeastern Minnesota’s Winona County when the Board of Commissioners there passed a ban on any new frac sand operations. It is the first known countywide ban on…  Read More

A Leadership Transition at LSP

I have been a member of the Land Stewardship Project since 2008, first joining through the Farm Beginnings program. Since then, and even before, as a grass-fed beef farmer, a professor of sustainable agriculture law issues, and now renting our farm fields to Farm Beginning’s graduates, I have observed and participated in LSP’s campaigns and…  Read More

Making Our Farm & Food System Accountable

There is no doubt a wide and abundant array of food is available in this country, but at what price? There is a lot of talk about our industrial system’s ability to make food like Big Macs and Big Gulps as cheap as possible. Nutritious, affordable food for all is critical. The problem is, all…  Read More