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Searched for: seeking farmland to rent or buy minnesota 3

LSP Minnesota Legislative Wrap-up: Lawmakers Address Local Control, Sustainable Ag, Beginning Farmers

Local Control & Environmental Review Stay Strong Despite Attacks; Some Gains for Sustainable Ag Research & Beginning Farmer Land Access The 2017 session of the Minnesota Legislature was highlighted by a tough fight over corporate agriculture’s push to make it easier for factory farms to force their way into communities. Corporate ag and its supporters…  Read More

Land Access Farm Tour Sept. 29 at Humble Hands Harvest in Decorah

DECORAH, Iowa — A farm tour on creative ways to get access to farmland will be held Sunday, Sept. 29, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Humble Hands Harvest in Decorah (2741 Hidden Falls Road). This Land Stewardship Project (LSP) event is free but RSVPs are required. To reserve a spot or for more…  Read More

Sustainable Vs. Regenerative

When Words Matter…& When They Don’t When it comes to farming, “regenerative” is having a bit of a moment. For example, Cargill wants to help farmers convert 10 million acres of row crop farmland to “regenerative practices,” and General Mills has said it is committed to advancing “regenerative agriculture practices” on a million acres of…  Read More

A Dairy Farm Rises From the Ashes

Not long ago, Rich and Carol Radtke were on a bit of a roll. They had graduated from the Land Stewardship Project’s Farm Beginnings course and felt the program had provided them a solid basis for developing a profitable farming operation on land they and their three children moved to in 2008. Before taking the…  Read More

Passing on the Farm: Some Preventive Maintenance

On the Internet, you’re only as old as you feel—at least until the person you’re corresponding with travels from two states away to meet you face-to-face. When Dave and Deb Welsch started communicating via e-mail with Steve and Shelley Lorenz in 2007, a lot of assumptions were made about the age of the parties on…  Read More

Healthcare: LSP Members’ Fight for Provider Tax Scores a Major Victory

But A Divided Legislature Produced No Real Bold Steps Forward The Land Stewardship Project organizes for healthcare for all because we believe high-quality care is a basic need and something every person deserves, and because our current healthcare system that prioritizes corporate profits above all else is a major barrier to having thriving rural communities…  Read More

Farmland for Rent: Minnesota (Southeast)

Ed is seeking a renter for 8 acres of certified organic land (1 tillable, 1 pasture and 7 forested) in Northfield, MN.  Specifically, Ed is looking for someone to practice sustainable forestry and develop associated products. There is a house available along with some sheds.  Some additional buildings will be constructed by the owner in…  Read More

Farmland for Rent: Minnesota

Kevin is seeking a renter for 20 acres (5 tillable / 15 other) in New Germany, MN / Carver County.  He is looking to expand a 1/2 acre market garden that broke ground in 2024. A new well was installed in 2024.  Additional materials available include irrigation, fabric, and accessibility to tools. Flexible terms may…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Brad & Shelley Schrandt

Riding the Storm Out

A few years ago, Brad and Shelley Schrandt faced a dilemma: should they keep their dairy herd at around 20 cows for a few more years while working off the farm, or should they expand enough to justify quitting those town jobs? They went for the expansion in an attempt to simplify their life. Shelley,…  Read More

‘Finding Farmland’ Workshop Sept. 15 in Rochester

ROCHESTER, Minn. — A “Finding Farmland” workshop will be held Saturday, Sept. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Peace United Church of Christ in Rochester (1503 2nd Ave. NE). This event, which is sponsored by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) and National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC), is free, but participants are asked to…  Read More