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Searched for: seeking farmland to rent or buy minnesota 3

Legislature Protects Farmers From Foreclosure Through Harvest Time

LSP: Farmers Must Now be Aware of their Mediation Rights SAINT PAUL, Minn. — As a sign of the dire financial situation the state’s agriculture faces, the Minnesota House and Senate last week passed by a combind 201-0 vote legislation that stops foreclosures until December for farmers who elect to take part in creditor mediation.…  Read More

Dairy Crisis Meeting Jan. 30 in Greenwald, Minn.

Public Policy Solutions to be Discussed GREENWALD, Minn. — How can we work together to create a solution to the current crisis that is engulfing dairy farming in central Minnesota and beyond? That will be the focus of a special Land Stewardship Project (LSP) meeting Thursday, Jan. 30, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at…  Read More

MN Supreme Court Hearing on Frac Sand Ban to be held April 10

In our democracy, it is up to us as organized people to use our power to make sure our governments and institutions best serve people and the land. Nearly two-and-a-half years ago, the people of Winona County won an historic victory when the County Board of Commissioners voted to pass a ban on any new…  Read More

MPCA Failure to Order In-depth Environmental Review of Massive Winona County Dairy Expansion to be Challenged in Court

Science & Public Record Ignored by MPCA’S Failure to Order EIS on Daley Mega-Dairy Expansion LEWISTON, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is challenging in court the recent decision by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to reject the public’s call for an in-depth Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed massive expansion of…  Read More

LSP: Farmers & Rural Residents Upset by Threats to MinnesotaCare’s Future

Legislature Steals $1 Billion of Funding Dedicated for MinnesotaCare & Medical Assistance The Minnesota Legislature appears to be close to finalizing a budget for the next two years that cuts Health and Human Services funding by more than $100 million and guts almost the entire $1 billion Health Care Access Fund reserve. These cuts will…  Read More

Pro-Frac Sand Interests File Lawsuit Against Winona County Over Frac Sand Ban

WINONA, Minn. — An attorney with a Minneapolis-based business law firm filed a lawsuit this week against Winona County, challenging the county’s ordinance that bans any new frac sand operations. The firm, Larkin Hoffman, is among the largest in Minnesota and has often been associated with frac sand interests, including the Minnesota Industrial Sand Council.…  Read More

Crop Insurance’s Hunger for Land

It’s no secret that federally subsidized crop insurance makes it more attractive to till land that normally would be too wet, steep, lacking in fertility or otherwise “marginal” to raise a profitable crop on. But a recent study out of the University of Wisconsin attaches some solid numbers to just how much marginal land we’re…  Read More