Ear to the Ground 144
LSP Citizens’ Frac Sand Summit (part 3): Scientist Michael McCawley on the health risks posed by surface mining’s production of ultrafine particles.
Here you will find LSP’s 15-year collection of podcasts featuring farmers, scientists, and others telling stories from the land. You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Pandora, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.
LSP Citizens’ Frac Sand Summit (part 3): Scientist Michael McCawley on the health risks posed by surface mining’s production of ultrafine particles.
LSP Citizens’ Frac Sand Summit (part 2): Farmer Bob Christie talks about how frac sand mining threatens the farming community.
LSP Citizens’ Frac Sand Summit (part 1): Tex Hawkins talks about why frac sand mining poses such a risk to the driftless region.
A beginning farmer incubator near Duluth is helping revitalize food and farming in the Lake Superior region.
New farmers talk about how Farm Beginnings helps them balance demand for their products with keeping their businesses, and lives, sustainable.
NRCS staffers from Minnesota’s top Conservation Stewardship Program county talk about how farmers implement CSP on working land.
A brother-sister team uses Farm Beginnings and Journeyperson to help transition from being landowners to active farmers.
Two Minnesota farmers experiment with multi-species cover cropping to improve soil health.
How can we get more farms to integrate prairie into row-cropped fields?
How farmers are improving trout streams with grazing.