ELGIN, Minn. — Beginning farmers looking for land and retiring farmers seeking next-generation farmers are encouraged to attend a special Land Stewardship Project workshop on Saturday, March 25, from 9:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Peace United Methodist Church (52497 275th Ave.), in Elgin. “LSP’s Networking Farming Generations: Beginning with Hope, Retiring with Security” is an opportunity for beginning farmers looking to rent, buy or otherwise access land to farm, as well as retiring farmers who are looking for beginning farmers who might be interested in joining their operation or farm.
The cost for attending the workshop (including lunch) is $10 per person; $5 for additional family members. A light lunch will be served. Childcare will be provided for those who have RSVPed. To reserve a spot or for more information, contact Karen Stettler by March 21 at 507-523-3366 or stettler@landstewardshipproject.org.
Throughout the workshop, time will be dedicated to sharing stories and educational information to consider if you are ready to begin a transition either as a retiring farmer or beginning farmer. There will also be time for beginning and retiring farmers to network.
Dairy farmers Art Thicke and Chad Crowley will be on hand to discuss their intergenerational farm transition story and to share some of the keys that have assisted them in their progress. Dean Harrington, a retired banker, will talk about his experiences working in a local community bank supporting farmers through the generations and the positive impact local farmers have on the community.