Have you launched a full-blown livestock grazing enterprise and are now ready to take the next step? Or maybe you’re just thinking about turning a few head of cattle or sheep out onto pasture or a stand of cover crops as a way to get access to an inexpensive feed source. Utilizing an innovative grazing system can be a low-cost, profitable way to integrate animals into a farming operation. But getting the most out of such a system also requires mastering the basics of pasture improvement, cover cropping, fencing technology and herd management. Fortunately, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) has recently launched a toll-free helpline for farmers seeking support related to grazing livestock.
Farmers and ranchers can call 1-888-664-7293 (1-888-MNGRAZE) or submit questions online at www.landstewardshipproject.org/grazinghelpline. LSP can provide advice and resources regarding managed rotational grazing, cover crop grazing, stockpile grazing, winter feeding and pasture rental rates, among other topics. If LSP doesn’t have the answers to your grazing questions, chances are its experts can track down the right resource to help you out.