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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Robbing the Farm or Enriching the Farm: Which is the Better Way?

Ross Cooper and his family raise canning and grain crops on their Century Farm in Spring Valley in southeastern Minnesota. Shortly after his son was born, Ross converted to no-till to cut down on the amount of time he was spending in the tractor. More recently, he has begun integrating cover crops into the farming…  Read More

Sign LSP’s Farm Crisis Petition

Pulling Together. Moving Forward. Stand with LSP on the Farm Crisis. The pain of this crisis is not being felt by agribusiness and corporate interests that continue to make profits at the expense of farmers and rural communities. The fact is that there is money in agriculture, but farmers are not getting a fair share…  Read More

Nitrate’s Season of Reckoning

Ag Pollution in Karst Country Offers a Critical Opportunity for Soil-Friendly Farming

For residents of southeastern Minnesota, the past few months must seem like “The Season of the Nitrate.” It turns out nitrogen, that critical source of crop fertility, is quite adept at escaping our farm fields, and, in the form of nitrate, polluting groundwater. So much so that scientists, government officials, and physicians now recognize it…  Read More

Community Forum on the ‘Farm Crisis’ Jan. 9 in Granite Falls

GRANITE FALLS, Minn. — As the farm financial crisis deepens in our rural communities, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is offering special workshops and forums for farmers and rural communities, including one on Thursday, Jan. 9, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Kilowatt Community Center in Granite Falls (600 Kilowatt Dr). The event…  Read More

House Draft Farm Bill Fails Family Farmers, Rural Communities & the Land

Over the past two years, Land Stewardship Project (LSP) members and staff have worked hard together to advocate for a better Farm Bill. Through listening to LSP member-farmers and rural community members, it was clear that this Farm Bill must put people, communities and the land first. It must: • Respond to the current challenges…  Read More

‘From Entomology to Economics’ Soil Health Workshop March 6 in Goodhue

GOODHUE, Minn. — A workshop entitled, “From Entomology to Economics: Building Soil Health with Jonathan Lundgren,” will be offered by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) on Friday, March 6, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Lion’s Community Center (105 Broadway St.) in Goodhue. It will feature presentations by Dr. Lundgren and a panel featuring…  Read More