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Searched for: resources

Minnesota Farmers Have Until May 5 to Renew CSP Contracts

Minnesota farmers have until May 5 to re-enroll in the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). This renewal option is specifically for farmers and ranchers who enrolled in CSP initially in 2013. Farmers are encouraged to contact their local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office for more information on renewing. CSP is a comprehensive working lands conservation…  Read More

The Loss of the Leopold Center is a Loss for All of Us

The State of Iowa is on the verge of eliminating one of the nation’s leading centers of sustainable agriculture research and innovation. The Iowa Legislature’s vote to defund and close the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture comes at a time when the work of the 30-year-old institution is, in many ways, just beginning. It was…  Read More

Affordable Public Option Beats Bailing Out Insurers

How to improve our health insurance system is an urgent matter for nearly everyone in Minnesota. It’s a top issue for farmers across Minnesota, and one of the most frequent concerns heard by clergy. For months, policymakers in St. Paul worked on details for how to provide immediate assistance to people who buy health insurance…  Read More

Change Comes from the Ground Up

As the staff and member-leaders of the Land Stewardship Project conduct our organization’s work for stewardship and justice on the land, the central concept that keeps arising is “change comes from the ground up.” Whether the subject is farming practices, public policy or community vitality, thinking about positive change in this way is enormously helpful…  Read More

The Beauty Beneath Our Feet

For an artist, it’s always nice to get a little public recognition—it helps make up for all those hours spent alone in the studio. So when Deborah Foutch’s piece, “Soil Horizon,” won a blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair in 2015, she was thrilled. But even more exciting was that the artwork—it uses various…  Read More

Restoring Stewardship on a Worn-Out Farm

After a lifetime of working for others in agricultural jobs, and retired after a career with the postal service, Tom Hoekstra and his wife, Lisa, bought a 150-acre farm outside of Plainview in southeastern Minnesota. Tom was 59 when they bought the farm in 2009. Right after their purchase, they immediately went to work re-building…  Read More

Returning Home to Farm, Committed to a Conservation Tradition & Building Soil

After receiving my degree from St. Olaf College last spring, I have returned to the family farm outside Caledonia, Minn. I come home with a deeper understanding that soil rich in organic matter and biota can function more efficiently than biologically deprived soils. Having grown up on this small southeastern Minnesota beef and crop farm,…  Read More

Stand Up for Standing Rock & Call the White House Today

Now is a critical time for we at the Land Stewardship Project to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux, who are resisting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. We need to take action with them in their fight and end the construction of this pipeline. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the governor…  Read More