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Comienzos granja Perfil: Carol Ford y Chuck Waibel

La Puerta en el Verano

En una tarde de Enero en Minnesota occidental, Carol Ford afronta 20- grados de temperatura y vientos que empacan nieve cuando ella camina las pocas yardas de su casa al garaje. Una vez que adentro, ella se acerca a una puerta con un pintado de una mano pintada y que encima dice. “La Puerta en…  Read More

Tell Congress to Reject False Climate ‘Solutions’ & Factory Farm Funding in the Farm Bill

The USDA’s Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) are essential initiatives that give tens of thousands of farmers the tools they need to implement sustainable practices such as cover cropping and managed rotational grazing. Yet, a significant majority of farmers who apply to these programs are unable to access funding. In 2023, only…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 339: Urban Ag’s Moment

The USDA’s recent creation of urban ag service centers is a recognition that growing food in the city is more than a quirky news story. More Information • Kajsa Beatty Contact • USDA Office of Urban Ag & Innovative Production  • USDA Urban Service Centers • USDA Resources for Urban Farmers • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course You can…  Read More

Support Lowered Environmental Review Thresholds for Manure Digesters

Every three years, the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) publishes an updated Mandatory Category Report detailing project types that require environmental review in our state. Examples of Mandatory Categories included in this report include pipeline projects or feedlot expansions. Currently, the EQB is soliciting input from the public on the mandatory categories or their decision…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 334: Youth Movement

Farm Beginnings grad Marcos Giossi started his food-raising career as a teenager tilling soil on an old soccer field. Now he’s helping young urban farmers utilize a values-based decision making strategy to kick-off better communities.  More Information • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • Urban Roots • Metro Food Justice Network You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 330: String Theory

Soil, cows, ecology, economics: to milk producer Derek Schmitz, they are all linked, and that feeds his optimism even as tough times cast a shadow over dairy farming. More Information • LSP’s Grazing & Soil Health Web Page • Soil Health Academy Case Study: Derek & Taylor Schmitz • Regenerative Livestock Systems Symposium: April 5, 2024 You can…  Read More

Tell Congress We Need A Farm Bill that Supports Land Access

The LASO Act Prioritizes Land Access for Young, Beginning & BIPOC Farmers

Last week, the “Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act” was introduced in the U.S. Senate, championed by Minnesota Senator Tina Smith. If enacted, this innovative bill, via the 2023 Farm Bill, would fund powerful, community-led solutions to the land access crisis faced by the new generation of young and Black farmers, Indigenous farmers, and…  Read More

Land Stewardship Project Names New Executive Director

Scott Elkins Brings Decades of Organizing & Leadership Experience to the Organization in its 41st Year of Working to ‘Keep the Land & People Together’

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — A grassroots organizer with decades of experience empowering local communities around environmental and sustainability issues has been named the Land Stewardship Project’s new executive director, the organization’s board of directors announced today. Scott Elkins, who took the helm at the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) this week, is also leading the organization’s 501(c)4…  Read More

2023 Pasture Walks

November 1, 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.  Alan Bedtka (17805 10th St SE  Dover, MN  55929) See and discuss winter grazing summer annuals. Click here to register. All events are FREE with snacks provided.  Questions? Contact LSP’s Alex Romano at 641-220-6000 or  

Ear to the Ground 307: Listening to the Knees

Farm Beginnings and Journeyperson taught Melissa Driscoll that true sustainability starts not only with the soil, but with the person who’s stewarding it. More Information • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • LSP’s Journeyperson Course • Minnesota Farm Business Management Faculty • Seven Songs Organic Farm You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes…  Read More