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Searched for: regional food systems

Sign the Petition Incentivizing 100% Soil Healthy Farming

Farmers are on the front lines of the climate crisis — battling extreme weather and changing seasons while also building soil health to sequester carbon and manage water. In developing the Land Stewardship Project’s Soil Health and Climate Campaign, our members were clear: now is the time for landscape-scale transformation. That’s why we’ve crafted a…  Read More

We Stand Together Against Attacks on Our Democracy

This week in Washington, D.C., we faced multiple attacks on our democracy. Elected leaders sought to overturn the will and the votes of the people. White militants lead a violent insurrection against our government. And again, we witnessed that when white militants commit violence, police stand by. None of these attacks are acceptable and those…  Read More

Help Extend Farmer-Lender Mediation Today

The Land Stewardship Project is dedicated to fighting for a farm and food system rooted in environmental sustainability, democracy, and economic justice for rural communities. Part of our fight for economic justice in farming has been giving farms and farm families the time they need to financially recover from the effects of a farm economy…  Read More

Land Stewardship Project Statement Denouncing White Supremacists Hate Groups

The Land Stewardship Project’s mission is to create a more just and sustainable food and farming system for everyone, no exceptions. Our organizing is based on shared values of community, democracy, stewardship, health, and justice. Upholding this foundation is the conviction that we believe in the innate value of people and the land. Racist hatred,…  Read More

Red Rooster Ranch: Spreading the Cover Crop Message

Staff from the Land Stewardship Project’s Bridge to Soil Health Program have been getting out and visiting farms the past few months. These visits are primarily to: network and meet with farmers in our Soil Builders’ Network, see what practices people are trying out on the landscape, determine what farmers want more information on, and…  Read More

Red Rooster Ranch: Spreading the Cover Crop Message

Staff from the Land Stewardship Project’s Bridge to Soil Health Program have been getting out and visiting farms the past few months. These visits are primarily to: network and meet with farmers in our Soil Builders’ Network, see what practices people are trying out on the landscape, determine what farmers want more information on, and…  Read More

MN Farmers Sign-on to Congressional Climate Crisis Letter

Letter Signed by over 2,100 U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Highlights the Impacts of the Climate Crisis & the Opportunities for Ag to Lead on Solutions WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a letter delivered to the U.S. House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis this week, Congress is being urged by farmers from Minnesota and across the…  Read More

State Policy Update: Time for Legislative Action on the Farm Crisis is Now

At the Land Stewardship Project, we know that we depend on each other to thrive and that our government, public institutions, and economy exist to serve each and every person, as well as our land, water. and air — no exceptions. That’s why hundreds of Land Stewardship Project members like you have been taking action…  Read More