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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Volunteer Opportunity

Land Access/Land Legacy Steering Committee

We are forming an 8-12 person steering committee focused on directing, focusing and supporting LSP’s Land Access/Land Legacy program. This group will set priorities- within LSP’s mission- for the work of advancing access to land and secure land tenure for small and mid-sized farmers and people who want to start farming in the Upper Midwest, as…  Read More

Land Stewardship Project Statement Denouncing White Supremacists Hate Groups

The Land Stewardship Project’s mission is to create a more just and sustainable food and farming system for everyone, no exceptions. Our organizing is based on shared values of community, democracy, stewardship, health, and justice. Upholding this foundation is the conviction that we believe in the innate value of people and the land. Racist hatred,…  Read More

Stewardship, Justice & Democracy

At the Land Stewardship Project, among member-leaders and staff, we’ve been thinking more about our work in the context of economic, racial, and gender equity in this country, and how that relates to core values of LSP, like stewardship, justice, community, democracy, and health. Land Stewardship Project’s board is meeting this week to give a…  Read More

Healthcare: LSP Members’ Fight for Provider Tax Scores a Major Victory

But A Divided Legislature Produced No Real Bold Steps Forward The Land Stewardship Project organizes for healthcare for all because we believe high-quality care is a basic need and something every person deserves, and because our current healthcare system that prioritizes corporate profits above all else is a major barrier to having thriving rural communities…  Read More

Report Finds a Winona County Frac Sand Ban has Strong Legal Justification

Regulating Through Permits Fails to Protect County & Poses Bigger Legal Risks, Analysis Finds LEWISTON, Minn. — Minnesota law does not prevent imposing a total ban on frac sand mining, processing and transportation operations in Winona County, according to a new legal analysis released today by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). The analysis, “Legal and…  Read More

Expanding My Knowledge in Healthcare

Being a senior physician at Mayo Clinic in Rochester for several decades, I thought I knew quite a bit about healthcare and how it is paid for, but I’ve come to realize that my viewpoint was limited. There is always a lot new to learn. My wife and I discovered the Land Stewardship Project many…  Read More

Battling Diabetes on the Street & in the Garden

One can almost detect the longing in Denise Crews’ voice when she describes what foods she misses the most since she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. “The hardest thing to give up was the fried chicken—Popeyes, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Their biscuits. The grease,” Crews told me during a recent LSP podcast interview at a…  Read More

Tell Your Senator to Support Land Access Legislation

Make the LASO Act Part of the Next Farm Bill

Our farm and food system is more resilient and just with more farmers stewarding the land, growing food for their communities, but so many people who want to farm are facing significant barriers to getting established and sustaining their businesses. The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act, championed by Sen. Tina Smith would…  Read More

Farmland for Sale: Minnesota (Southeast)

Melissa is seeking to sell their 7 acre certified organic vegetable farm to a farmer of color by Fall/Winter of 2025.  She prefers to sell to farmers dedicated to sustainable agriculture. She grows on about 2.5 of the 7 acres and sell primarily wholesale.  Buildings include: 3 bedroom house in good shape; old 60’x33’ barn…  Read More