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Pope County Field Day to Focus on Grazing Pasture & Cover Crops

BROOTEN, Minn. — A field day on grazing techniques will he held Thursday, Aug. 1, from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Terry and Darlene Barchenger farm near Broken (10412 230th St., Brooten, MN 56316-4566). The field day will focus mainly on beef cattle management, but these practices can be applied to all classes…  Read More

‘Farming in Karst Country’ Soil Health Field Day to Feature Caves, Groundwater & Diverse Ag July 18 in Harmony

HARMONY, Minn. — A special “Farming in Karst Country” field day will highlight the intersection of soil-building farming practices, water movement, and karst geology on Thursday, July 18, from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., at Niagara Cave near Harmony (29842 Co. Hwy. 30). During this Land Stewardship Project (LSP) event, farmers and geologists will share…  Read More

Healthcare: LSP Members’ Fight for Provider Tax Scores a Major Victory

But A Divided Legislature Produced No Real Bold Steps Forward The Land Stewardship Project organizes for healthcare for all because we believe high-quality care is a basic need and something every person deserves, and because our current healthcare system that prioritizes corporate profits above all else is a major barrier to having thriving rural communities…  Read More

Are You Trying to Grow a Crop in a Biological Desert?

NOTE: John Meyer, his wife Linda and their two youngest children, Charlie and Maggie, farm about 500 acres in southwestern Olmsted County, Minn. John planted his first oat cover crop in early spring of 2016 on half his land — on frozen ground and through snow — and planted corn directly into that “green,” allowing…  Read More

Tell your State Representative to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not outside corporate interests who want to write special laws for themselves at the expense of the rest of us. Right now, these outside corporate interests are attempting to weaken our free speech rights in a way that disproportionately targets Indigenous Minnesotans and other…  Read More

Tell Your Legislators to Strengthen, Not Weaken, Environmental Review

Land Stewardship Project members have been active at the Minnesota Capitol because we believe our public institutions and government at all levels belong to us. These institutions must do what is best in service to people and the land. The decisions being made right now will shape the future of our state, which is why…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 225: Say it With Me: Bde Maka Ska

This is the second in a three-part series titled, “Farming on Stolen Land.” These three episodes were developed by LSP staff member Elizabeth Makarewicz as a guide to exploring issues of native land justice and equity in Minnesota’s food system. This episode offers a peek into the life of Dakota tribal member and activist, Carly Badheart Bull. Carly is a scholar of the Dakota language and, along with her twin sister, Kate Beane, has led a campaign to return the original Dakota name to an historically significant body of water, Bde Maka Ska.

LSP Stands With Bde Maka Ska

The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) stands with the renaming of Minneapolis’ largest lake “Bde Maka Ska” and other decisions to strengthen visibility and truth telling for the indigenous peoples who have been systematically erased from Minnesota history and places. LSP stands with our state leaders taking legislative action to ensure the lake’s rightful name is…  Read More

Got Grazing Questions? A New Grazing Helpline has Answers

Have you launched a full-blown livestock grazing enterprise and are now ready to take the next step? Or maybe you’re just thinking about turning a few head of cattle or sheep out onto pasture or a stand of cover crops as a way to get access to an inexpensive feed source. Utilizing an innovative grazing…  Read More