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Searched for: bdevore landstewardshipproject

LSP to Medica: ‘We are watching and ready to hold you accountable.’

NOTE: Today, the Land Stewardship Project joined allies TakeAction Minnesota, ISAIAH, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Minnesota Nurses Association to confront Medica officials at their Minnetonka, Minn., headquarters. The HMO has put profit before people and transferred $120 million from its nonprofit Minnesota HMO to its for-profit Wisconsin insurance businesses. Below is…  Read More

Kohlnhofers: Withdraw Your Factory Farm Proposal; Our Community’s Health is at Risk

NOTE: On Thursday, Sept. 14, Land Stewardship Project members from Goodhue County’s Zumbrota Township in southeastern Minnesota released a report entitled, “A Community at Risk: A Report on Citizens’ Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring at Kohlnhofer Factory Hog Farms in Goodhue County, Minn.” The report documented the results of hydrogen sulfide emissions monitoring at six hog facilities…  Read More

Citizen-led Monitoring Shows High Levels of Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions at Kohlnhofer Factory Farms in Goodhue County

Citizens Deliver Report to Kohlnhofer Insurance Agency & Call for Immediate Action from State Environmental & Health Officials LAKEVILLE, Minn. — Farmers and rural residents of southeastern Minnesota’s Zumbrota Township today released a report entitled, “A Community at Risk: A Report on Citizens’ Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring at Kohlnhofer Factory Hog Farms in Goodhue County, Minn.”…  Read More

Ending Protections for ‘Dreamers’ Weakens All of Us

Today, the Trump Administration ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. We believe this is a short-sighted and damaging action which the Land Stewardship Project opposes. Since DACA was started in 2012, the program has provided legal protection for nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. These people…  Read More

Grazing Field Day Aug. 10 at Fire Rock Farm Near Starbuck

STARBUCK, Minn. — Do you want to get a firsthand look at how one Pope County farm is utilizing rotational grazing of pastures and cover crops to produce livestock? There will be a field day and pasture walk on Thursday, Aug. 10, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Shane and Jessica Blair’s Fire…  Read More

Attend the House Ag Committee Listening Session Aug. 3 at Farmfest

You are invited to join fellow Land Stewardship Project members and supporters at the U.S. House Agriculture Committee Farm Bill Listening Session, Thursday, Aug. 3, at Farmfest outside of Redwood Falls. During this crucial time, when the 2018 Farm Bill is starting to be written, we need to make our voices heard for the people,…  Read More

Field Day on Building Soil Health July 26 in Rollingstone

ROLLINGSTONE, Minn. — Ways farmers can build soil health will be the focus of a Land Stewardship Project (LSP) field day Wednesday, July 26, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Rory, Richard and Sharon Beyer farm near Rollingstone (18622 Dixie Drive). Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and a noon barbecue lunch will follow the…  Read More