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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Forever Green Receives $1 Million

Early this morning, the Minnesota Legislature took a major step toward supporting the kind of agriculture that can green up our landscape in a way that’s economically viable for farmers. Conference committee negotiations produced $1 million for Forever Green, an innovative University of Minnesota research initiative involving cover crops and perennial plant systems. Funding for…  Read More

Farming & Our Community: Why Should I Care? A Banker’s Perspective

As part of our work to help beginning farmers gain access to farmland, the Land Stewardship Project has been working with the Plainview Land Access Organizing Committee in southeast Minnesota. For the past two years, farmers, business owners and others in the agricultural community of Plainview have been meeting to raise awareness of issues beginning…  Read More

Mob Rule in Livestock Land

What do you do when a resource becomes increasingly scarce? One option is to use it more efficiently. That’s a key point livestock producer Greg Judy is going to make Sept. 9-10 in Alexandria during what promises to be a fascinating set of workshops. In this case, the resource that’s becoming harder to come by…  Read More

Comienzos granja Perfil: Carol Ford y Chuck Waibel

La Puerta en el Verano

En una tarde de Enero en Minnesota occidental, Carol Ford afronta 20- grados de temperatura y vientos que empacan nieve cuando ella camina las pocas yardas de su casa al garaje. Una vez que adentro, ella se acerca a una puerta con un pintado de una mano pintada y que encima dice. “La Puerta en…  Read More

Farm to School

Farm to School connects Minnesota farmers directly to students by serving locally-sourced foods in school as well as providing educational activities that connect them with local agriculture.  As part of Land Stewardship Project’s support for community-based food systems, we have been a long-time champion of this program. Want to Get Involved? Want to stay connected…  Read More

Seeking Farmer: Minnesota (Southeast)

Samuel is seeking a farmer to work with him on his 20 tillable acre farm in Hastings, MN, Dakota County.  He as a small, certified-organic farm with a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Strawberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, asparagus, garlic, and other varieties of fruits, veggies, and flowers.  They are looking for a farmer…  Read More

Farmland for Rent: Minnesota (Southeast)

Catherine is seeking a farmer to join her operation near Wabasha, MN.  Looking to start or scale up an organic flower farm but you don’t have land? Contact Catherine with a proposal by February 15, 2024. She is looking for a person(s) interested in ramping up to operate their own flower business-could be someone out…  Read More

PETITION: Aim High for Farmers & Our Future at the MN Legislature

With a $17.6 Billion Surplus, MN has Unique Opportunity to Deliver for People & the Land

With a historic $17.6 billion surplus, our Minnesota Legislature has a unique opportunity and responsibility to deliver for people and the land. In March, the Speaker of the Minnesota House and the Majority Leader of the Minnesota Senate will assign each legislative committee in their respective legislative body an amount to spend on their budget.…  Read More