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Searched for: seeking farmer to join minnesota

Take Action to Stop Efforts to Weaken Environmental Review!

Corporate interests and their buddies in the Minnesota Senate are pushing to weaken public participation in the environmental review process of industrial projects — and we need to stop them. When the law does not require the environmental review of a proposed industrial project, the public has the right to petition for it. However, if…  Read More

Pass Drought Relief NOW

Minnesota House Ag Committee Passes Package; Senate Ag Committee Next

As you know, this past summer’s drought created one of the most difficult growing seasons that Minnesota has seen in decades. Farmers had to make incredibly hard decisions: ending CSA deliveries early or entirely, selling or processing livestock early to save costs, paying to dig deeper wells or new ones entirely, and investing in new…  Read More

Emily Minge

Emily Minge began working in LSP’s Policy Department in January 2018 as the coordinator for the Family Farm Breakfast at the Capitol. Following the breakfast, she stayed on staff through the summer of 2018 to support the department’s work fighting the proposed Catalpa factory farm in southeastern Minnesota’s Fillmore County. She then left for the…  Read More

Tell Congress: We Need Rural Climate Leaders Now!

For over a year, Land Stewardship Project members have been advocating for the Agriculture Resilience Act (H.R.2803/ S.1337), a piece of federal legislation that invests in building a more climate-resilient farm and food system from the ground up. Our members have lobbied members of Congress during farm tours and in virtual meetings to advance this…  Read More

Big Meat’s Big Lie

On April 27, meat giant Tyson Foods took out a full-page advertisement in major newspapers that carried an alarming message. “The food supply is breaking,” it said. The ad went on: “We have a responsibility to feed our country…Our plants must remain operational so that we can supply food to our families in America.” Tyson…  Read More

Farm Crisis Exacerbated by Covid-19: Urgent Action Needed

As people across Minnesota and around the world face a global health pandemic, the reality of the farm crisis grows starker and more urgent. Small- to mid-sized farmers who strengthen our rural economies and act as stewards of the land and water face greater uncertainty in the production and distribution of the food we depend…  Read More

During Uncertain Times, Joining a CSA Farm Makes More Sense Than Ever

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — During these uncertain times brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, buying a share in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm makes more sense than ever, according to the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). LSP’s 2020 edition of the Twin Cities, Minnesota & Western Wisconsin Region Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Directory ( lists over…  Read More

Our Farm Crisis Fight Back Needs Your Help

Today, more than ever, we need to fight back against the farm crisis and support healthy rural communities, people, farmers, and families. Our fight back is rolling forward by getting our demanded solutions heard in the Minnesota Legislature. But right now with the outbreak of COVID-19, we’re entering uncharted territory and we need your help…  Read More

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how the Land Stewardship Project (“we,” “our,” or “us”) collects, uses, and discloses information about you when you access or use our websites, mobile sites, and mobile applications that link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Site”). By accessing or using the Site, you consent to the data practices described in…  Read More

IMPENDING VOTE: Contact Elected Officials to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not to outside corporate interests who write special laws for themselves that threaten our democracy. Land Stewardship Project members know why free speech is so important. Since the 1980s, members across the state have been leveraging our collective power to fight against farm foreclosures,…  Read More