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Searched for: farmland for sale minnesota east central

LSP Calls for EIS Order to Remain on Massive Frac Sand Mining Proposal

Despite Previous Rulings, MN Sands Attempts to Yet Again Circumvent Environmental Law LEWISTON, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) today called on the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to continue to enforce its requirement of a comprehensive environmental review of a proposed frac sand mining project in southeastern Minnesota. Earlier this week, EQB considered…  Read More

Land Line: Crop Diversity, Hmong Farmers, Ag Secretary Rumors, Ag Policy Changes, Meatpacker Abuse

Nov. 13 : An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Crop Diversification Can Help Environment Without Sacrificing Yields (11/12/20) A new study shows diversifying agricultural systems beyond a narrow selection of crops leads to a range of ecosystem improvements while also maintaining or improving yields, reports Morning Ag Clips. But an Iowa…  Read More

Fish Kill Bill Offers Comprehensive Protections for MN Water Quality

Local Citizen Organizing Prompted Passage of Legislation After SE MN Disasters

LEWISTON, Minn. — Winona County residents are hailing the passage of a comprehensive bill that makes significant changes to the investigation of fish kills in Minnesota. The legislation, which was passed during the recently concluded session of the state Legislature, was pushed by a group of local residents after a series of fish kills in their…  Read More

Who is Attacking the Winona County Frac Sand Ban?

Last fall, the Land Stewardship Project’s organizing efforts won a major victory when the Winona County Board in southeastern Minnesota banned any new frac sand operations in the county’s jurisdiction. In recent years, outside interests have been seeking to strip-mine and haul away silica sand from beneath southeastern Minnesota hills, bluffs and farmland to use…  Read More

Youth Movement

From Tilling an Old Soccer Field to Helping Teens Kick-off Better Communities

When it comes to youth programs centered around gardening and farming, a common mantra is, “We’re teaching kids about where their food comes from.” Sounds laudable, but to Marcos Giossi, such a feel-good goal is too limiting when it comes to exposing young people to the realities of the farm and food system that dominates.…  Read More

Land Line: Efficiency’s Cost, Busting Big Ag, Neonic No-No, Rooting Out Racism, Rural Isolation, Winter Greens

Feb. 12: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities The Efficiency Curse — We built a ‘better’ food system. The cost: It couldn’t handle a pandemic. (2/5/21) When COVID-19 arrived in the U.S., we discovered that the food system was fragile, rigid, and therefore vulnerable. But, as Michael Pollan points out in…  Read More

MN Legislative Wrap-up: A Mixed Bag for the Environment, Sustainable Ag, Family Farms

One of the most anti-environmental pieces of legislation to come out of the Minnesota Capitol in several years became law on Saturday, June 13. The Agriculture and Environment Omnibus Budget Bill was supposed to provide funding for numerous initiatives of importance to rural Minnesotans. However, as the session wound down, several policy provisions were plugged…  Read More

Land Line: Climate Change & Erosion, Russia’s Climate Windfall, Big Dairy & Vilsack, Farmland Access, Rivers of Manure

Dec. 18: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities National Soil Erosion Rates on Track to Repeat Dust Bowl-era Losses Eight Times Over (12/16/20) Unhealthy farming practices and more extreme weather spurred by climate change will lead to an increased rate of soil erosion across the U.S. in the coming decades, according…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Amy Haben & Tom Moore

Making a Farm a Working Asset

Amy Haben and Tom Moore ride a golf cart over a rickety wooden bridge spanning Otter Creek and follow a path to a lush pasture where a couple dozen head of Scottish Highland cattle graze, their shaggy coats luminescent in the late afternoon sun of a June day. “Before they grazed the edge of the…  Read More

Farmland Access Workshop Sept. 30 in Western Wisconsin’s Pierce County

HAGER CITY, Wis. — Looking for affordable, quality land to get started farming and don’t know where to start? The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) will be holding a hands-on Farmland Access Workshop Sunday, Sept. 30, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Oxheart Farm in Wisconsin’s Pierce County. For more information, contact LSP’s Karen Stettler…  Read More