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Searched for: seeking farmland to rent minnesota 4

Migrants are Not Expendable Commodities

Recent revelations that at least 2,300 migrant children have been separated from their parents under U.S. President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy highlights an ugly fact: this country’s immigration policies are inhumane, divisive and unsustainable, and they have been for a very long time. The atrocity of tearing young children from their parents is a…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Micro Goals-Big Plans

Walking down a sloping lane on a spring afternoon, Luke and Liana Tessum surprise an Angus beef cow wandering up from a bottomland paddock. The lone bovine, and 18 cow-calf pairs grazing on the pasture below, represent the reaching of what the 30-something couple calls yet one more “micro-goal.” In December, the Tessums paid off…  Read More

Farmland for Sale: South Dakota

Bridget is seeking a farmer to buy 6 acres in South Dakota.  The 6 acres are mostly fenced in. There is a large 60×80 ft organic garden and over 30 fruit trees or shrubs. There is a 16×40 ft storage building, 10×12 chicken coop, and small primitive barn.  There is a private setting with amazing…  Read More

Farmland for Sale: Wisconsin

Juniper is seeking a buyer for 3o conventional acres (20 tillable, 5 forest and 5 other) in WI.  There is housing available and an insulated pole building with high doors about 24’x40′.  There is a short intermittent stream.  Also there are Savanna Institute, WI Farmer’s Union members, & sustainable/organic farmers in the area.

Minnesota Farm Groups Applaud Governor’s Proposed Ag, Board of Water & Soil Resources Budgets 

Proposal Would Invest Tens of Millions of Dollars into Building Resiliency in Farm & Food System, Climate, Economy

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — Three Minnesota farm groups are applauding Governor Tim Walz’s budget proposals for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and Board of Water and Soil Resources, which were released this week. The proposals strongly align with the vision for a thriving, abundant, and resilient countryside shared by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP), Hmong…  Read More

Land Line: Mega-Dairy Moratorium, Price-Fixing, Carbon Belt, Carbon Credits, Organic Sales

Jan. 22: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities New Oregon Legislation Would put a Moratorium on Building Mega-Dairies. What Happens Next? (1/21/21) A coalition of food safety, environmental, and family farm groups is pushing for a moratorium on mega-dairy construction in Oregon, reports The Counter. Highlights: If passed, the legislation would…  Read More

Now is the Time to Create a More Humane Healthcare System

As of today— April 10 — due to the outbreak of COVID-19, nearly 350,000 Minnesotans have applied for unemployment benefits. That is already more than the total number of applicants in all of 2019. Nationally, 16.6 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits in the past three weeks. In the wake of a global pandemic,…  Read More

MN Legislature & Healthcare: MinnesotaCare Saved, But Insurance Companies Valued Before People

The 2017 Minnesota state legislative session is complete, including a four-day special session that was needed for the Legislature to finish passing a budget. Land Stewardship Project members and staff were active throughout the session fighting for healthcare policies that put people before corporate profits. On a positive note for healthcare, the Legislature provided short-term…  Read More

LSP Launches ‘Keep Rural Minnesota Strong’ Media Campaign

Campaign Features Rural Opposition to State Legislation that Would Pave the Way for More & Larger Factory Farms in Minnesota The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) today launched a media campaign focused on rural opposition to proposed state legislation that would dramatically weaken environmental review of Minnesota’s largest proposed factory farms. The campaign features an advertisement…  Read More

Join LSP at Minnesota Water Action Day in St. Paul on April 19

Stand with hundreds of Minnesotans from around the state in protecting our water from corporate polluters. Join one of the six bus routes coming in from rural Minnesota. The Land Stewardship Project is co-sponsoring the 2017 Minnesota Water Action Day on Wednesday, April 19, in Saint Paul. We encourage our members to participate in this…  Read More