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Searched for: seeking farmland to rent wisconsin 2

‘Finding Farmland’ Workshop Sept. 15 in Rochester

ROCHESTER, Minn. — A “Finding Farmland” workshop will be held Saturday, Sept. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Peace United Church of Christ in Rochester (1503 2nd Ave. NE). This event, which is sponsored by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) and National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC), is free, but participants are asked to…  Read More

Farmland Need Not be a Sacrificial Lamb

During yesterday’s otherwise excellent field day at the USDA’s soil conservation lab in Morris, the “S” word reared its ugly head. “S” as in our best farmland needs to be “sacrificed” in the name of food and fuel production, leaving room for only an odd corner here and there to provide a smattering of natural…  Read More

Seeking Farmland to Buy: Minnesota

Anne on behalf of the Land Conservation Natural Burial Association is seeking to conserve/restore a minimum of 20 acres. But if the land directly touches other protected land, the minimum is much lower: just 5 acres (though more is welcome!). If you have a much larger parcel of land that you would like to conserve,…  Read More

A Sense of Where You Are

11 Examples of Viewing Farms in Context (Part 1 in a Series)

Note: This is the 1st installment in the 12-part “A Sense of Where You Are” series.  On a sunny day in June, hundreds of ewes make their way through a narrow grazing paddock, flowing along the contours of a Driftless Area hill in southeastern Minnesota like a woolly river. Later in the growing season, a…  Read More

Seeking Farmer: Wisconsin (Central)

Bradley is seeking a farmer to help their operation- not a paid position but in return would have the shared use of land, tractors, equipment, greenhouses, and maple syrup equipment.  This 280 acre farm has 200 tillable acres and  80 acres woods  and is located in Western Marathon County, Central WI. Bradley raises cattle, bison,…  Read More

Jeepers Cats That’s Some Healthy Soil!

Turning a Massive Problem into Soil Fertility & Economic Value

I recently witnessed the return of life to Jordan and Rachelle Meyers’ fields, which are transitioning from giant ragweed and thistles into soil-building plants such as chicory, red clover, and wild bergamot. During the past few years, the family, which farms in southeastern Minnesota’s Houston County, has used hard work and attention to the soil…  Read More

Farm Transition Profile: The Goal Standard of Farming

One day in 2014, a man stopped by Bill and Bonnie McMillin’s farm tucked away in the hills of southeastern Minnesota’s Wabasha County and offered to pay cash for all 160 acres, lock, stock and barrel. Such an offer can be tempting. After all, Bill and Bonnie had worked hard over the previous few decades…  Read More

Talking Conservation in Our Farm Leases

With a single phrase, we can put conservation to work on rented land. And that would have a major impact from a landscape point of view: more than half the crops in Minnesota and Iowa alone are produced on rented acres, and every one of them could be saving soil, water, habitat and money with…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Jon & Mindy Kaiser

Ready for the Next Step (part 1) Jon Kaiser is less than a year away from paying off his Farm Beginnings livestock loan. He smiles when he says this, because it means he’s just a little bit closer to making farming more than just a fantasy. “I’m surprised I’ve come this far,” says the 35-year-old…  Read More

Farmland for Rent: Minnesota (Southeast)

Ed is seeking a renter for 8 acres of certified organic land (1 tillable, 1 pasture and 7 forested) in Northfield, MN.  Specifically, Ed is looking for someone to practice sustainable forestry and develop associated products. There is a house available along with some sheds.  Some additional buildings will be constructed by the owner in…  Read More