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Searched for: seeking organic farmland to rent or buy

Farming & Our Community: Why Should I Care? A Banker’s Perspective

As part of our work to help beginning farmers gain access to farmland, the Land Stewardship Project has been working with the Plainview Land Access Organizing Committee in southeast Minnesota. For the past two years, farmers, business owners and others in the agricultural community of Plainview have been meeting to raise awareness of issues beginning…  Read More

Land Line: Food Systems, Funding Freeze, John Deere, Immigration, Regenerative Farm Family

March 3: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities

Surrounded by Crops in Minnesota Farm Country, but with Little to Eat (2/26/25) Star Tribune columnist Karen Tolkkinen writes about the paradox plaguing rural communities in western Minnesota: despite massive amounts of land being devoted to agricultural production, little fresh, affordable food is available for local residents. Highlights: A recent study of the food system in…  Read More

Tell Congress Farmers are being Harmed by Federal Funding Freeze

Take Action to Save Programs that Support Regenerative Ag, Emerging Farmers, Food Banks & a Healthy Environment

As you know, farmers across the country are facing critical challenges as the federal funding freeze continues to impact essential agricultural programs. Although farmers were not supposed to be affected by the federal funding freeze, we know that is not the reality on the ground. Last week, Land Stewardship Project staff traveled to Washington, D.C.,…  Read More

Bite-by-Bite: Building Community Food Assets

Mapping a rural region’s “community food assets” reveals isolated islands of opportunity in a sea of corn and soybeans. LSP’s Scott DeMuth says now is the time to connect the dots and create a new relationship between farmers, eaters, and the places they live in. “You know, when I talk about rural economic development, from…  Read More

Comments Needed: New MPCA General Feedlot Permits

On Monday, June 24, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) opened a public comment period for Minnesotans to respond to proposed changes to two permits that regulate the state’s largest animal feedlots. The aim of these changes is to protect Minnesota water by reducing nitrate contamination from manure produced by feedlots that are 1,000 animal…  Read More

Innovative Grazing, Marketing Techniques Featured at SE MN Pasture Walks in October

Events to be held in Altura & Zumbrota Oct. 11 & 13

LEWISTON, Minn. — Innovative grazing techniques, custom grazing and marketing of grass-fed livestock products will be the focus of two Land Stewardship Project (LSP) pasture walks in the southeastern Minnesota communities of Altura and Zumbrota in mid-October. These events are free and open to the public. On Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 4 p.m. to 6:30…  Read More

Gale Woods Farm

Gale Woods Farm is owned and managed by Three Rivers Park District. It is a 438-acre park with the mission of demonstrating small-scale, productive, contemporary, sustainable agriculture and offering farming-related educational opportunities to school groups and the general public. The park includes gardens and orchards, an educational barn, pasture-raised beef cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens,…  Read More

MN Legislature: Healthcare Needs Permanent Solutions, Not More Band-Aids

The Land Stewardship Project believes that in order for our communities to thrive, everyone, regardless of background or zip code, must have access to the healthcare they need. Yet lack of healthcare access and high costs continue to be major financial stresses for all Minnesotans — particularly for rural residents. More people in rural areas…  Read More

Community-Based Meat Processing as a Public Good

Many small and medium-size farms are trying to survive by selling meats directly to retail customers and restaurants. The idea shows promise as a way to revitalize an economy otherwise in the shadow of huge farming enterprises. We need slaughterhouses; several good, new up-to-date buildings should be placed throughout the state to serve the growing…  Read More