Ear to the Ground Podcast
Here you will find LSP’s 20-year collection of podcasts featuring farmers, scientists, and others telling stories from the land. You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes on Pandora, iTunes, and other podcast platforms.
Ear to the Ground No. 247: A Raw Deal on Farmland
Hannah Bernhardt and Jason Misik couldn’t afford prime farmland brimming with infrastructure. But sweat equity and soil health are helping them transform a marginal piece of ground far from Corn Country.
Ear to the Ground No. 246: Letting Livestock do the Work
Beginning farmer Zach Knutson talks to Alex Romano about how rotational grazing allows him to manage land, time, and finances more efficiently.
Ear to the Ground No. 245: Sustainable vs. Regenerative
Should we call it “sustainable” or “regenerative” ag? Dana Jackson makes it clear this is not a new debate and it all centers around soil, communities, and people.
Ear to the Ground No. 244: Cultural Competency & Local Food
Researcher Emily Reno started out doing a simple market analysis for a Latino produce cooperative, but ended up gaining new insights into the barriers and opportunities involved when any farmer seeks to sell local food on a wholesale basis.
Ear to the Ground No. 243: Debunking the Land Ownership Myth
How the Sustainable Iowa Land Trust is connecting stewardship-minded landowners with the next generation of regenerative farmers.
Ear to the Ground No. 242: A Geography of Hope
Conservation pioneer Paul Johnson talks about forging a social compact between farmers and society…and the day he made a farmer cry.
Ear to the Ground No. 241: A Farm Transition Power Team
A desire to continue a legacy (and a love of weed-pulling) eases Foxtail Farm into the hands of the next generation.
Ear to the Ground No. 240: The Farmer-Chef Connection
What happens when you bring a group of food service folks out to see how vegetables are actually grown?
Ear to the Ground No. 239: From Entomology to Economics
Blue Dasher Farm’s Jonathan Lundgren talks about bugs, biodiversity and, of course, cow pies.