We are forming an 8-12 person steering committee focused on directing, focusing and supporting LSP’s Land Access/Land Legacy program. This group will set priorities- within LSP’s mission- for the work of advancing access to land and secure land tenure for small and mid-sized farmers and people who want to start farming in the Upper Midwest, as well as LSP’s Land Legacy and land gift outreach, land use/sale, and land return plans. This committee also includes land transition and non-operating landowner programming and focus, investigating/supporting alternative land access models, and policy work related to these subjects.
We seek individuals with experience, expertise, and/or passion in the following areas:
- Social Justice – who is on the land and why, how do we increase access for more people across race, gender and class, and how do we promote a model of land access that includes land return to native nations we share geography with.
- Beginning Farmers
- Non-operating landowners/landowners looking to transition ownership or who have completed successful land transitions or land return
- Non-operating landowners focused on conservation leases
- Policy around land transfer incentives and dis-incentives, social justice and reparations, public ownership and access, and support for alternative ownership structures
- Land Legacy and Land Gift work in LSP or elsewhere, this includes land return
- Alternative ownership models – cooperative and community owned models
- Professional areas of support to this topic, such as real estate, legal experience, or financial experience in relation to farmland and land transfer/land return.
If you are interested in joining our Land Access/Land Legacy Steering committee, please fill out the following form.
Click here for our Land Access/Land Legacy Steering Committee Statement of Understanding, which details commitments and responsibilities of both committee members and LSP staff.
We will be closing applications on Wednesday, January 12th. If you would like to answer the application questions in person over the phone or on a zoom meeting, please contact Robin Moore or Karen Stettler.