Action Alerts

Welcome to the Land Stewardship Project Action Alerts page. The Land Stewardship Project periodically sends out Action Alerts that describe how citizens can make their voices heard on critical issues related to family farming, the environment and our rural communities.

Make a Stand Against Factory Farms Dec. 18

Stand With LSP in Lakeville, Minn., on Monday, December 18 Monday, December 18, is going to be a big day. Will you join us in Lakeville, Minn., to say NO to factory farms? For more than a year, Land Stewardship Project members in Minnesota’s Goodhue County have been fighting to protect their community from the…  Read More

UPDATE: Success! Comprehensive Environmental Review of MN Sands Frac Sand Mines will Stay in Place

I am happy to report that frac sand corporation Minnesota Sands, LLC, failed in its latest attempt to circumvent comprehensive environmental review (see the action alert below). Thanks to Minnesotans speaking up for the land and the health of our communities, the requirement of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposed massive frac…  Read More

Speak Up for Healthcare that Puts People Before Profits

The Minnesota State Legislature has until midnight on Monday, May 22, to decide on a budget for Minnesota. As of today, no budgets have been passed. Things change by the hour, with important decisions happening behind closed doors, away from public input. The bottom line is that, without citizens in the room, who will be…  Read More

UPDATE: Dayton Vetoes Bill Weakening Local Control

UPDATE: Great news! On Monday, May 15, Gov. Mark Dayton stood up for strong local control and vetoed House File 330, a bill that would have weakened local control. Like us, he knows that strong rural communities need strong local control. Governor Dayton is doing right by using his veto power to protect Minnesota from…  Read More

Keep Rural MN Strong & Say NO to Factory Farms this Week

Despite citizens’ calls from across the state, the Minnesota Senate sided with corporate interests and passed the Senate Omnibus Environment Finance Bill with a provision that will double the size factory farms can be before environmental review is required. Sen. Jason Isaacson offered an amendment to remove this bad provision from the bill, but it…  Read More

Join LSP at Minnesota Water Action Day in St. Paul on April 19

Stand with hundreds of Minnesotans from around the state in protecting our water from corporate polluters. Join one of the six bus routes coming in from rural Minnesota. The Land Stewardship Project is co-sponsoring the 2017 Minnesota Water Action Day on Wednesday, April 19, in Saint Paul. We encourage our members to participate in this…  Read More