ZUMBROTA, Minn. — Grazing of an 11-way mix of summer annuals and specialty crops grown in bale residue left behind by cows from winter-feeding will be the focus of a Land Stewardship Project (LSP) pasture walk Tuesday, July 19, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at Knutson Shorthorns near Zumbrota (46998 170th Ave). This event is free and open to the public and sign-in begins at 5:15 p.m.; supper provided by LSP will feature a build-your-own-sandwich meal with sides and dessert. A $3 to $5 contribution is requested to cover the meal. Participants are asked to dress for the weather. Reserve a spot by July 15 at https://bit.ly/LSPKnutson or by contacting LSP’s Alex Romano at aromano@landstewardshipproject.org.
DIRECTIONS: From Highway 52, take exit MN-58. At the traffic circle, take the exit onto County 10 Blvd. for 1.5 miles. Turn left onto 170th Avenue for half-a-mile. Look for LSP signs.
Zach Knutson of Knutson Shorthorns is a 4th generation farmer. Originally a dairy enterprise, beef cattle were added to the farm in 2011 as an integral part of a low input, rotational grazing and direct sales beef operation. In 2016, Knutson spent six months traveling across Australia to learn about genetics and management practices by working on over 60 cattle and sheep operations. He brought the lessons learned back to the farm, and in 2020 he started transitioning row crop land to pasture in order to expand the grazing enterprises. These days, you can find Knutson working on establishing silvopasture with a range of dual- and triple-purpose trees.