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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

IMPENDING VOTE: Contact Elected Officials to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not to outside corporate interests who write special laws for themselves that threaten our democracy. Land Stewardship Project members know why free speech is so important. Since the 1980s, members across the state have been leveraging our collective power to fight against farm foreclosures,…  Read More

Hands-Off Free Speech this MN Legislative Session

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not outside corporate interests who want to write special laws for themselves at the expense of our communities and democracy. During the last two legislative sessions, the Land Stewardship Project and our allies successfully stopped efforts by outside corporate interests to weaken our free…  Read More

Good News: Winona County Respects the Animal Unit Cap!

Last night, after six hours of presentations by members of the public, the Winona County Board of Adjustment denied a request to exceed the county’s animal unit cap by nearly four-fold. The Board of Adjustment found that the record clearly showed the variance request did not meet the legal requirement for a variance. (Full information…  Read More

UPDATE: Court Rejects Attempt by Corporate Ag to Squelch Public Comment on Environmental Review for Mega-Dairy

LEWISTON, Minn. — Corporate agriculture interests have failed in their attempt to limit the time the public has to submit comments to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) about a massive dairy project’s potential environmental risks. A lawsuit was filed in Ramsey County District Court seeking to prevent the comment period for an Environmental Assessment…  Read More

Corporate Ag Interests Sue MPCA to Limit Public Comment on Environmental Review of Massive Dairy Expansion

LEWISTON, Minn. — Proposers of an expansion project that would create one of the largest dairy operations in Minnesota are attempting to limit the time the public has to submit comments to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) about the project’s potential environmental risks. A lawsuit has been filed in Ramsey County District Court preventing…  Read More

Demand Full Environmental Review for Mega-Dairy Operation Proposed in Winona County

UPDATE (11/1/18): On October 31, the Ramsey County District Court rejected the attempts by corporate ag to squelch public comment on an environmental review of the mega-dairy expansion proposal described below. District Court Judge Jennifer L. Frisch ruled yesterday against an injunction filed by several Minnesota corporate ag groups seeking to limit the public comment…  Read More