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Searched for: regional food system

Only 13 Days Left to Invest in Farmers

Tell MN Lawmakers We Need Support for Soil Health, Regional Food Systems & Emerging Farmers

The Minnesota State Legislature only has 13 days left to take advantage of our historic state surplus — $9.25 billion — and invest in our farmers and communities at the scale that is needed to create vibrant resiliency on the land. There are big differences between what the House and Senate are willing to invest…  Read More

The Importance of Investing in Soil Health & Resilient Rural Communities

Around a decade ago, while driving past a farm field in southeastern Minnesota, Bob Christie turned to DJ Mueller with a nervous question: “So you’re saying my fields are going to look like that?” With farmers adapting to a changing climate and volatile markets, DJ knew that he and Bob must prioritize soil health over…  Read More

Sean Carroll

With close to 20 years of organizing experience, Sean has worked on a broad range of social justice issues, including with the labor movement, on environmental issues, in faith communities, on elections, and on food systems. In that time, he has organized campaigns with teachers to keep their rural public school from closing, to register thousands of students to…  Read More

A Giant in the Earth: Paul Johnson & the Geography of Hope

NOTE: The Land Stewardship Project is saddened to learn that Paul Johnson, a giant in the promotion of working lands conservation on America’s farms, passed away this week. We send our condolences to Paul’s family — he will be sorely missed. Below is an excerpt of a 2020 Land Stewardship Letter article on Paul and…  Read More

LSP Land Line: Organic Acreage Up, Local Meat Production, Price Fixing

Sept. 30: An LSP Round-up of News Covering Land, People & Communities Mercaris: Organic Production Continues to Grow (9/28/20) The U.S. harvested organic field crop area will exceed 3.4 million acres over the 2020-2021 marketing year, which is an increase of 4% over the previous marketing year, according to the market data service Mercaris. The…  Read More

Sign LSP’s Farm Crisis Petition

Pulling Together. Moving Forward. Stand with LSP on the Farm Crisis. The pain of this crisis is not being felt by agribusiness and corporate interests that continue to make profits at the expense of farmers and rural communities. The fact is that there is money in agriculture, but farmers are not getting a fair share…  Read More

A Chance to Support the ‘Community’ in CSA

As you may have heard, the stormy weather of this past weekend inflicted heavy damage on numerous Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms in the Minnesota-western Wisconsin region. The timing of the hail and heavy winds couldn’t have been worse—in many cases entire plantings were wiped out in a matter of minutes, decimating months of preparation…  Read More

Join Our Trip & Help Build Cross-Border Solidarity with Mexico in March

A number of years ago, long before billionaire provocateur Donald Trump demonized undocumented Mexican workers and called for the erection of a new wall along the southern U.S. border, the Land Stewardship Project began work as an ally for immigrant farmworker rights and immigration reform. Our latest endeavor along these lines is a trip south…  Read More

Turning Up the Heat on McDonald’s

On Oct. 6, at lunchtime, I stood on the sidewalk outside a McDonald’s restaurant in St. Paul, Minn., facing the busy traffic on University Avenue with a colorful sign that said “Stop the Drift.” I was with a group of other supporters of the Toxic Taters Coalition: students, parents and community members who made time…  Read More

LSP: Listening to Our Members, Planning for the Future

The Land Stewardship Project has been spending part of this fall gathering input from members and staff on how we should proceed with our work during the next five years. This development of what we call our “long range plan” has taken the form of member-leader input sessions, staff meetings and a survey sent out…  Read More