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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Now You Can Put Numbers to the Costs of Erosion

Two years ago, the Land Stewardship Project released the Cropping Systems Calculator (CSC), a “what-if” tool to examine the costs and returns of two crop rotations. This tool includes scenarios that involve row crops and grazing, and provides important information for farmers as they consider integrating soil building practices into their rotations. The original Calculator…  Read More

Crop Insurance Reform Talk Gaining Steam

There was a flurry of activity this week related to reform proposals for federally subsidized crop insurance. Following the Land Stewardship Project’s November/December release of our three white papers on crop insurance (“How a Safety Net Became a Farm Policy Disaster”), 2015 has seen continued attention to the need for major reform of this largest…  Read More

Call Today: Vote No on the House Farm Bill

UPDATE: The House Farm Bill was voted down 212-198 on Friday, May 18; click here for details. Today (Friday May 18th), the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on the 2018 Farm Bill, H.R. 2. This is a disastrous bill and your Representative needs to hear your opposition. Click here for instructions on…  Read More

Nitrogen Pollution’s Farm Policy Roots

Talk about ignoring the elephant in the room. When Minnesota environmental officials announced the results of a new major nitrogen pollution study on Thursday, they were surprisingly frank about how bad the problem is, but just as surprisingly hesitant to name a major underlying cause: federal farm policy. First the problem: basically, the Minnesota Pollution…  Read More

Crop Insurance: A Safety Net Becomes a Threat

When it comes to the crop insurance sweepstakes, southwest Minnesota farmer Darwyn Bach is a winner. But he concedes that his good fortune presents a quandary, since the way the program is implemented these days creates significant losers: the soil, beginning farmers and Main Street businesses that suffer when the number of families in a…  Read More

Stand with Emerging & BIPOC Farmers Today

Key Senate Hearing Monday, April 8

We wanted to reach out to fill you in on what is going on at the Minnesota Legislature when it comes to the prioritization of emerging farmers in Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Rural Finance Authority (RFA) programs. While we laid out the full context in this blog, here are the top five things…  Read More

2024 Family Farm Breakfast

Family Farm Breakfast March 7 in Saint Paul Join us for the Best Breakfast in Town! Gather on Thursday, March 7, at the Wilder Foundation in Saint Paul, Minn., with hundreds of members and supporters, partners, and public officials over a delicious meal featuring locally sourced products from LSP members’ farms. Hear directly from LSP…  Read More

LSP Statement on Latest Daley Farm Lawsuit

LEWISTON, Minn. — Daley Farm’s filing of a lawsuit in Minnesota District Court on Oct. 27 naming the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) and individual citizens as defendants is the latest effort by this limited liability partnership to suppress the public’s right to discuss and debate the future of our community here in Winona County. This litigation appears…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 264: Center of the Universe

Pack-shed or people? LSP’s Journeyperson helped vegetable producers Les Macare and Els Dobrick make a big decision about a recent growing season. More information: • Land Stewardship Letter Racing Heart Farm profile • LSP’s Journeyperson Course • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • Racing Heart Farm You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast episodes…  Read More