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LSP Farm Transition Workshop Series Launches Jan. 20 in Northfield

NORTHFIELD, Minn. — Are you a farmer or landowner thinking about the next steps for your farm and the legacy you would like to leave on the land? The Land Stewardship Project’s Farm Transition Planning Workshop Series provides an opportunity to reflect on the future as well as to do some active planning. The workshop…  Read More

Our Minnesota Future: Building Governing Power to Advance LSP Values

When you think about your community and Minnesota as a whole, what issues stand out as most needing to be addressed? When you allow yourself to step back and dream big, what do you hope for? At a time marked by extreme division, animosity and the feeling that nothing is getting done on the major…  Read More

Getting the Facts Straight on Environmental Review & Factory Farms

The Land Stewardship Project has been fighting a proposal making its way through the Minnesota Legislature this year that would double the size factory farms can be before environmental review is required. Proponents of the bill are pushing hard, and have been justifying this outrageous proposal by providing inaccurate information about the history of the…  Read More

Helping a Pasture Reach its True Potential

“What? Did you sell your cows?!?” This was the response from my neighbor, who had stopped by several years ago after seeing my pasture covered with 2.5-foot-tall grass. “I have never seen this pasture with grass longer than a golf green in nearly 30 years; you must have sold the cows!” This is a good…  Read More

CCC: Cover, Cattle, Clean Water

Andy Marcum’s eye-opener was when he walked a ridge on his farm soon after snowmelt and noted the ground was speckled with the delicate, purple pedals of pasque flowers—more than he’d ever seen in his life. For Dan Jenniges, the aha moment came when he realized that he was grazing more cattle on fewer acres,…  Read More

BOOST Dinner Source York Farm has a 50-Year Plan

Andy Cotter and Irene Genelin bring an eclectic background to farming. He studied mechanical engineering in college and she was a French major. They met while competing as elite unicyclists and were national champions in the pairs competition (think ice dancing on one wheel), as well as individual world champions in various categories. They also…  Read More

LSP Helps Keep Local Control Strong (Again)

During the recently concluded 2016 session of the Minnesota Legislature, the Land Stewardship Project and our allies stopped a significant attempt to weaken local control of controversial developments in the state. For decades, LSP has fended off efforts by corporate interests to limit local control of potentially harmful and unwanted development proposals. As in past…  Read More

A Hub of Soil Health Activity

How Indiana is using cover cropping and early adopters as ‘gateways’ into a deeper understanding of sustainable soil management. It’s an overcast August morning in northeastern Indiana, and in a massive machine shed well stocked with the tools of a modern row crop operation, some 60 farmers are being reminded that growing corn and soybeans…  Read More