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Searched for: regional food systems

Putting Farm Tools in their Proper Place

One recent August day, I stood in a field in North Dakota watching soil being spaded up and listening to farmers talk about the optimal cover crop seeding mixes, how long to mob graze a paddock and which no-till equipment does the best job of cutting through last year’s plant residue. It was 90 degrees…  Read More

LSP Statement on Federal Govt. Shutdown & (Yet Again) Expiration of Farm Bill

Following the inability of the U.S. Senate and U.S House to agree on Fiscal Year 2014 spending yesterday, the public must now endure a federal government shutdown. The failure to pass a Continuing Resolution (spending at past fiscal year levels) forces a shutdown which cripples the delivery of programs and services that millions of Americans…  Read More

Cashing in on Soil Quality

Talk of how agriculture can improve soil quality seems to be popping up more frequently these days. Perhaps the most exciting recent mention was in an issue of Successful Farming magazine, which has produced an impressive package of stories called The Good Earth. Most of what’s in this package won’t be news to anyone who’s…  Read More

Mob Rule in Livestock Land

What do you do when a resource becomes increasingly scarce? One option is to use it more efficiently. That’s a key point livestock producer Greg Judy is going to make Sept. 9-10 in Alexandria during what promises to be a fascinating set of workshops. In this case, the resource that’s becoming harder to come by…  Read More

Farm Beginnings Profile: Brad & Shelley Schrandt

Riding the Storm Out

A few years ago, Brad and Shelley Schrandt faced a dilemma: should they keep their dairy herd at around 20 cows for a few more years while working off the farm, or should they expand enough to justify quitting those town jobs? They went for the expansion in an attempt to simplify their life. Shelley,…  Read More

Aleta Borrud

Aleta Borrud is a retired physician who brings to LSP her passion for rural healthcare access. Aleta first engaged with LSP’s policy efforts to expand MinnesotaCare, but after inheriting a small grains farm in Western North Dakota, she became invested in understanding how soil health principles could counter soil acidification and provide resistance to drought,…  Read More

Tell Your Senator to Support Land Access Legislation

Make the LASO Act Part of the Next Farm Bill

Our farm and food system is more resilient and just with more farmers stewarding the land, growing food for their communities, but so many people who want to farm are facing significant barriers to getting established and sustaining their businesses. The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act, championed by Sen. Tina Smith would…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 334: Youth Movement

Farm Beginnings grad Marcos Giossi started his food-raising career as a teenager tilling soil on an old soccer field. Now he’s helping young urban farmers utilize a values-based decision making strategy to kick-off better communities.  More Information • LSP’s Farm Beginnings Course • Urban Roots • Metro Food Justice Network You can find LSP Ear to the Ground podcast…  Read More

LSP Members Make Their Voices Heard on the Farm Bill

Take Action Today to Improve Accessibility to EQIP

Earlier this month, Land Stewardship Project farmer-members James Kanne and Adam Griebie flew to Washington, D.C., with me for a few days to gather with farmers and organizers from across the Midwest who are a part of the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment and to meet with members of Congress about our shared…  Read More