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Searched for: seeking farmland to buy minnesota 6

LSP Meets with Gov. Dayton on Frac Sand Issues

Land Stewardship Project members sat down with Governor Mark Dayton for an hour last Wednesday to talk frac sand. Meeting in the River Room at Winona State University, the eight of us were surrounded by pictures of the Mississippi River from the turn-of-the- century featuring the bluffs of the region—a reminder of the uniqueness of…  Read More

EQB: We’re Paying Attention to Frac Sand & Our Voices Must be Heard

This summer, I was one of 100 people from southeast Minnesota who participated in a meeting hosted by the Land Stewardship Project in Rushford. As someone who’s been paying close attention to the issue of frac sand mining for two years or more, I knew this would be a meeting I couldn’t miss. It was…  Read More

Purebreds, Pluggers & Profitable Soil

On a recent August evening in south-central North Dakota, soil scientist Kristine Nichols laid out what I like to call the “purebred vs. the plugger” approach to farming. “With healthy soil, you may not out-yield your neighbor in the best years, but you will out perform them in the not-so-good years,” said Nichols, a soil…  Read More

Nitrogen Pollution’s Farm Policy Roots

Talk about ignoring the elephant in the room. When Minnesota environmental officials announced the results of a new major nitrogen pollution study on Thursday, they were surprisingly frank about how bad the problem is, but just as surprisingly hesitant to name a major underlying cause: federal farm policy. First the problem: basically, the Minnesota Pollution…  Read More

Health Care Receives a Key Boost from MN Legislature

This year Minnesota has taken real steps to put people at the center of our health care system. Most recently, Governor Mark Dayton and the Legislature passed a budget that continues and strengthens MinnesotaCare. Thank you for your calls, e-mails and actions—you made a difference. The final Health and Human Services Budget makes MinnesotaCare more…  Read More

Frac Sand: Let’s Take a Long Term Look at Things

My great-great-grandfather moved to Houston County, Minnesota, at the end of the Civil War in 1865. I am blessed to be a lifelong resident of Houston County, living on part of our family’s Century Farm, between Houston and Money Creek. All my siblings are farmers in Houston County. Six generations of our family have hunted…  Read More

Why ‘Middleman’ Doesn’t Have to be a Dirty Word for Farmers

At a time when we’re all scanning the dark horizon of recession land for any economic spark, local food systems look to be a flare-up that’s got some staying power. The past several weeks have been full of signs that both in Minnesota and nationally producing and consuming food in our own collective backyard isn’t…  Read More

Make Your Voice Heard on Nitrates, Soil & Clean Water

2 Legislative Hearings in Saint Paul: Feb. 26 & 29

The 2024 Minnesota legislative session has begun in Saint Paul and nitrate contamination is top of mind for our legislators. Next week, committees in both the State House and Senate will host hearings about nitrates in our soil and water. This is an opportunity to make it known that Minnesotans expect our state’s decisionmakers to…  Read More

Farmers Deserve the Right to Repair!

Legislation to do Just That is at Risk in the MN Legislature

It’s time to restore farmers’ right to fix the equipment they own as they choose — but legislation to do just that is at risk in the Minnesota Legislature. Right now, major farm equipment manufacturers refuse to make the software tools necessary to repair agricultural equipment fully available to farmers and independent mechanics, leaving farmers…  Read More