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Searched for: regional food systems

Stop Big Ag From Raiding Working Lands Conservation Funding

Big Ag and its friends in Congress hope to send more money into the pockets of a few mega-sized commodity farms through one of the most popular commodity programs in the Farm Bill — crop insurance. This windfall will be at the expense of working lands conservation programs and small and mid-sized farms. Their proposal…  Read More

Protect & Expand Funding for Working Lands Conservation Programs in the 2023 Farm Bill

Don't Let Congress Raid IRA Conservation Funds

Farmers are uniquely positioned to both mitigate and build resiliency when it comes to climate change. Farmers are on the front lines of managing extreme weather events, emerging pests and disease, degraded topsoil, altered planting and harvesting timing, dwindling pollinator populations, and more. At the same time, small and mid-sized farmers are facing consolidation, financial…  Read More

MN Farm, Food & Climate Funding

During the recently adjourned session of the Minnesota Legislature, the Land Stewardship Project and its allies won record funding for public programs that support farmers, conservation, and community food systems, among other things. We are now pivoting to the implementation stage to ensure these dollars and programs serve our members, as well as other small-…

Talking Through Tough Choices

Transforming a Wish List into a Viable Farming Operation

There’s a bit of a disagreement over how many enterprises were originally on a certain wish list when Hannah Frank and Justin Thomas were considering launching a farm. “Didn’t we have, like, 40 different enterprises on our goal sheet?” Thomas asks Frank on an overcast day in July while the couple stands next to a…  Read More

Ear to the Ground 309: Stewards of the Land

Two Puerto Rican filmmakers talk about Stewards of the Land/Serán las dueñas de la tierra, which documents the stories of three beginning farmers as they build relationships and find creative ways to access land to grow food for their communities. June 4 Screening & More Information • Click here to RSVP to the Minneapolis, Minn., film screening/discussion on Sunday,…  Read More

Tell Lawmakers that Farmworkers Deserve Paid Family & Medical Leave

All Minnesotans Should Have the Ability to Care for Loved Ones

After years of organizing, we are on the verge of creating a Paid Family & Medical Leave Program where all Minnesotans contribute and benefit. All Minnesotans should have the tools they need to have the freedom to care for their loved ones without putting their finances at risk. For an average of just $3 per-week…  Read More

Wild Haven Farm

Wild Haven Farm is a regenerative farm in Sunrise Township, Minn. We raise only heritage breeds of goat and poultry to bring you healthy, nutrient-dense meat and eggs with flavor profiles you can’t find in factory-raised food. Our produce is wild harvested or planted, grown, and harvested on the farm by hand. We are in…  Read More

‘Land Access: Are You Ready?’ Workshop April 29 in Rosemount

ROSEMOUNT, Minn. — Figuring out how to access land is one of the most complex financial decisions a farmer will make. A “Land Access: Are You Ready” workshop will be held Saturday, April 29, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Robert Trail Library in Rosemount (14395 S. Robert Trail). The cost of this Land Stewardship…  Read More

Add Your Name to the Farmer & Producer Sign-On Letter

This week, the House and Senate Agriculture Committees in the Minnesota Legislature are rolling out their budgets for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Both the House and Senate have included important items, such as funding for the Emerging Farmers Office and establishing a Meat and Poultry Liaison position in the Department of Agriculture, as well…  Read More

Community Food Webs Learning Circles

3 Sessions in March 2023 Building strong community food networks where we live can move us powerfully toward our vision for functioning local and regional systems that support regenerative farming and provide all people with the nourishing foods they want and need.  To explore how communities around the country are making this happen, in March…