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Join LSP Dec. 20 for Healthcare Meeting & Petition Delivery

Join Us at the State Capitol Thursday, Dec. 20 Thanks to the hard work of Land Stewardship Project members and supporters, we gathered more than 3,200 signatures this fall on our petition calling for Minnesota’s next Governor to take bold action to address the rural healthcare crisis. Petition signers are invited to join us on…  Read More

Sign the Petition by Nov. 10 to Call for Bold Action on Healthcare

Demand Bold Action from Our Next Governor on the Rural Healthcare Crisis High premiums, closing rural clinics and few available insurance plans mean rural people are too often not getting quality healthcare. This is a matter of life and death. Sign and share the LSP petition calling on our next Governor to make this a…  Read More

Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Meeting Oct. 11 in Montevideo

Nov. 1 Deadline for Beginning Farmers to Enroll in Financial Education Programs & Receive Tax Credit MONTEVIDEO, Minn. — Details on how to apply for the newly launched Minnesota Beginning Farmer Tax Credit will be the focus of a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 11, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Montevideo Public Library…  Read More

Fillmore County Farmers & Rural Residents Chartering Bus to MPCA & Governor’s Office July 3 to Call for Groundbreaking EIS of Proposed 4,980-Head Factory Hog Farm

Meetings Set with MPCA Assistant Commissioner & Governor Dayton; Press Conference to be held at 12:30 p.m. in front of MPCA Office in St. Paul NEWBURG TOWNSHIP, Minn. — Dozens of family farmers, business owners, members of the Amish community and rural residents who live near a proposed factory hog farm in southeastern Minnesota’s Fillmore…  Read More

A Physician’s View: We Must Have Legislators Supporting True Healthcare Reform

It is time to acknowledge that the private, profit-making “nonprofit” corporate model is failing nearly all of us. Healthcare is a crisis for most people across the U.S., particularly in our rural areas. People delay going to the doctor because of $7,000 to $13,000 deductibles. Local newspapers announce benefit events to finance a child’s expensive…  Read More

Applications Now Open for 2018 Conservation Stewardship Program

LSP Urges Farmers to Apply to this Working Lands Conservation Program Before the March 2 Deadline American farmers and ranchers have until March 2 to submit an initial fiscal year 2018 application for the nation’s largest working lands program—the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). This program is administered by the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).…  Read More