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A Message from LSP on the COVID-19 Virus

We are writing with an important update on how the Land Stewardship Project is responding as COVID-19 spreads throughout our communities and our world. In the best interests of the health and well-being of our staff, members, and communities, we have decided to take some important actions. Our work can and must move forward. While…  Read More

Join LSP Dec. 20 for Healthcare Meeting & Petition Delivery

Join Us at the State Capitol Thursday, Dec. 20 Thanks to the hard work of Land Stewardship Project members and supporters, we gathered more than 3,200 signatures this fall on our petition calling for Minnesota’s next Governor to take bold action to address the rural healthcare crisis. Petition signers are invited to join us on…  Read More

LSP: Farmers & Rural Residents Upset by Threats to MinnesotaCare’s Future

Legislature Steals $1 Billion of Funding Dedicated for MinnesotaCare & Medical Assistance The Minnesota Legislature appears to be close to finalizing a budget for the next two years that cuts Health and Human Services funding by more than $100 million and guts almost the entire $1 billion Health Care Access Fund reserve. These cuts will…  Read More

UPDATE: Dayton Vetoes Bill Weakening Local Control

UPDATE: Great news! On Monday, May 15, Gov. Mark Dayton stood up for strong local control and vetoed House File 330, a bill that would have weakened local control. Like us, he knows that strong rural communities need strong local control. Governor Dayton is doing right by using his veto power to protect Minnesota from…  Read More

Join LSP at Minnesota Water Action Day in St. Paul on April 19

Stand with hundreds of Minnesotans from around the state in protecting our water from corporate polluters. Join one of the six bus routes coming in from rural Minnesota. The Land Stewardship Project is co-sponsoring the 2017 Minnesota Water Action Day on Wednesday, April 19, in Saint Paul. We encourage our members to participate in this…  Read More

Pro-Frac Sand Interests File Lawsuit Against Winona County Over Frac Sand Ban

WINONA, Minn. — An attorney with a Minneapolis-based business law firm filed a lawsuit this week against Winona County, challenging the county’s ordinance that bans any new frac sand operations. The firm, Larkin Hoffman, is among the largest in Minnesota and has often been associated with frac sand interests, including the Minnesota Industrial Sand Council.…  Read More

In Historic Vote, Winona County Board Passes Ban on Frac Sand Operations

New Measure is First Known Countywide Frac Sand Ban WINONA, Minn. — The Winona County Board of Commissioners voted tonight to pass a ban on any new frac sand mining, processing, storage or transport operations in the southeastern Minnesota county’s jurisdiction. This step comes after a 17-month grassroots organizing campaign by county residents calling for…  Read More