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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

‘Cover Crops, No-Till & More’ Workshop Feb. 16 in Preston

PRESTON, Minn.—“Cover Crops, No-Till and More” will be the focus of a special soil health workshop Friday, Feb. 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St. Columban Church (408 Preston St. NW) in Preston. This Land Stewardship Project (LSP) workshop will feature West Union, Iowa, farmer Loran Steinlage. There will also be short presentations…  Read More

Beginning Farmer Land Access Workshop March 4 in Elgin

ELGIN, Minn. — Beginning farmers looking for land are encouraged to attend a special Land Stewardship Project (LSP) workshop on Saturday, March 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Peace United Methodist Church (52497 275th Ave.), in Elgin. LSP’s “Beginning Farmer Land Access Workshop: Assessing Risks, Affordability and Land Access Options” is for aspiring…  Read More

Hitting the Conservation Target

When it comes to making the ag landscape healthier, how much is enough? One day in 2007, a farmer walked into Paul Wymar’s office in Montevideo, Minn., not far from where the Chippewa River drains into the Minnesota River. He had a question for Wymar, who at the time was a scientist for the Chippewa…  Read More

Suppressing a 2-Way Conversation

Sometimes one has to lose something to gain an appreciation for just how valuable an asset it was. That thought came to mind during the last hearing of the 48-year-old Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens’ Board, which was held June 23 in Saint Paul. It was the last hearing because just a few weeks prior…  Read More

Frac Sand’s Wild Refugees

There’s a farm near Hixton, Wis., (Jackson County) that is in the process of being destroyed by being turned into a frac sand mine. I would say it’s a least a couple of hundred acres. It’s at the intersection of Highway 95 and Green (but not for long!) Acres Road. Some excavation has begun, there…  Read More

Shifting the Story About Family Farming & Food

There is a widely-circulated public story, or narrative, that growing enough food for the world’s future population will require doubling production by relying on technologies such as nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides tied to traits in genetically modified crops. The narrative is that family farmers, consumers and governments must rely on corporate-controlled technology from multi-national agricultural…  Read More

LSP to EQB: It’s Time for 2-Way Communication on Frac Sand in SE MN

Southeast Minnesota citizens traveled to Saint Paul yesterday and presented copies of the People’s EIS Scoping Report to each of the state agency commissioners and citizen members who make up Minnesota’s Environmental Quality Board (EQB). Land Stewardship Project organizer Johanna Rupprecht made these comments to the EQB after the report was delivered to the EQB…  Read More