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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Putting People & the Land First

Below is a picture from the close of a thought-provoking, challenging and energizing two-day meeting the Land Stewardship Project hosted this week at our Minneapolis office. Leaders and staff from state-based rural membership organizations representing 10 Midwest and Western states came together in Minnesota and shared our experiences and our analyses related to organizing for…  Read More

Driftless Grazing

Driftless Grazing School: June 28-29 Dates/Times: Day 1: Friday, June 28, 2024, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Day 2:  Saturday, June 29, 2024, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Location: 18769 Eagle Heights Rd Caledonia, MN 55921 (same location both days) Join us for a two-day Grazing School in the rolling Driftless Region of Southeastern Minnesota!…  Read More

Matthew Sheets

Matthew Sheets joined the Land Stewardship Project’s staff in late 2019 after organizing for years in his home of western Minnesota. He began his work with LSP as part of the Farm Crisis Campaign and has been working to follow up on the goals of that campaign and expand that work to advance the cause…  Read More

North Dakota’s Joshua Dukart to Lead Farm Finances & Soil Health Workshop in Lewiston Jan. 24

LEWISTON, Minn. — Faced with challenging financial pressure and growing weather extremes, how do farmers go about building soil and improving yields and profits? A “Building Soil for Farm Profitability: Key Steps to Successful Financial Decision-making” workshop will answer this question Thursday, Jan. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Lewiston Community Center…  Read More

A Chance to Support the ‘Community’ in CSA

As you may have heard, the stormy weather of this past weekend inflicted heavy damage on numerous Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms in the Minnesota-western Wisconsin region. The timing of the hail and heavy winds couldn’t have been worse—in many cases entire plantings were wiped out in a matter of minutes, decimating months of preparation…  Read More

Beginning & Retiring Farmer Networking Workshop March 25 in Elgin

ELGIN, Minn. — Beginning farmers looking for land and retiring farmers seeking next-generation farmers are encouraged to attend a special Land Stewardship Project workshop on Saturday, March 25, from 9:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Peace United Methodist Church (52497 275th Ave.), in Elgin. “LSP’s Networking Farming Generations: Beginning with Hope, Retiring with Security” is…  Read More

Health Insurance is Expensive Because Corporate Greed is Expensive

Over Thanksgiving, I was perusing the Dairy Star at my brother-in-law’s house in Stillwater, Minn. Having grown up on a dairy farm, I still like to see how the industry is doing. A column by Sadie Frerichs called, “The Negative Impacts of Health Insurance,” caught my eye. Because of the recent health insurance rate increases…  Read More

Soil Health: Numbers vs. Knowing

Sometimes it takes a bit of an evangelist to remind us that praying at the altar of facts and figures can blind one to how they all connect in the bigger picture. In the case of production systems that build soil health, that preacher is Ray Archuleta. “The soil is naked, hungry, thirsty and running…  Read More

Is That a Trophy Hunter Knockin’ on the Door?

What with farmland changing hands at price levels that would make a Beverly Hills realtor blanch, one could be forgiven for jumping to an obvious conclusion: Farm Country is flush with cash these days. Indeed, based on pure numbers, the statistics are impressive. Midwestern farmland values increased 16 percent in 2012, the third largest gain…  Read More