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2018 CSA Farm Directory Now Available

Over 60 Twin Cities-Minnesota Region Farms Offering Shares in 2018 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—It’s been a long winter, but another Community Supported Agriculture season is just around the corner, giving eaters a chance to forge partnerships with some of the most innovative farmers in the region while enjoying fresh, sustainably-produced food. The 2018 Edition of the Twin…  Read More

Farmers & SNAP Recipients Gather at MN Headquarters of NAU Insurance to Call for Crop Insurance Changes in 2018 Farm Bill

New Report Calls for Reforms to Nation’s Biggest Ag Safety Net RAMSEY, Minn. — The nation’s biggest farm “safety net” has evolved into a program that harms family farms, the land and rural communities, while bolstering profits for major insurance companies, including one headquartered in Minnesota, said farmers and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients…  Read More

Land Stewardship Project Applauds Introduction of ‘Crop Insurance Modernization Act of 2018’

Bill Proposes Common Sense Reforms that Would Support Conservation Efforts & Help Beginning Farmers MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) applauded today’s introduction of the “Crop Insurance Modernization Act of 2018” by Minnesota U.S. Representative Rick Nolan. Rep. Nolan is the Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk…  Read More

Joe Morse: A Champion of the People & the Land

The Land Stewardship Project is mourning the passing of Joe Morse of Winona, Minn., a long-time LSP leader and champion of social justice. We valued Joe greatly, fully appreciating the chance to work with him on our efforts to challenge excessive corporate power and expose corruption of the powerful. His assistance in strategizing and organizing…  Read More

In West-Central Meeting with Rep. Peterson, LSP Members Call for 2018 Farm Bill that Supports Conservation & Family Farmers

LSP Holds On-Farm Meeting with Ranking Member of U.S. House Ag Committee as Ag Policy Debate Enters Next Stage BARRETT, Minn. — During an Aug. 28 on-farm meeting near Barrett in west-central Minnesota, the ranking member of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee agreed to fight for policy that supports working lands conservation policy and family…  Read More

A Chance to Support the ‘Community’ in CSA

As you may have heard, the stormy weather of this past weekend inflicted heavy damage on numerous Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms in the Minnesota-western Wisconsin region. The timing of the hail and heavy winds couldn’t have been worse—in many cases entire plantings were wiped out in a matter of minutes, decimating months of preparation…  Read More

SE MN Farmers Invited to Join Soil Builders’ Network

LEWISTON, Minn. — If you are a crop or livestock farmer in southeastern Minnesota, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) invites you to join the Soil Builders’ Network to receive regular updates on workshops, field days and on-farm demonstrations related to the latest in soil health and cover-cropping. The Soil Builders’ Network was launched earlier this…  Read More