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Ear to the Ground 228: Spreading Grazing’s Benefits Beyond the Fenceline

Ear to the Ground 226: What Does Justice Look Like?

This is the third and final episode in a series titled, “Farming on Stolen Land.” These three episodes were developed by LSP staff member Elizabeth Makarewicz as a guide to exploring issues of native land justice and equity in Minnesota’s food system. In this episode, writer and scholar Waziyatawin shares with Elizabeth her vision of land justice for the Dakota people.

Ear to the Ground 225: Say it With Me: Bde Maka Ska

This is the second in a three-part series titled, “Farming on Stolen Land.” These three episodes were developed by LSP staff member Elizabeth Makarewicz as a guide to exploring issues of native land justice and equity in Minnesota’s food system. This episode offers a peek into the life of Dakota tribal member and activist, Carly Badheart Bull. Carly is a scholar of the Dakota language and, along with her twin sister, Kate Beane, has led a campaign to return the original Dakota name to an historically significant body of water, Bde Maka Ska.

Ear to the Ground 224: Living on Stolen Ground

This is the first in a three-part series titled “Farming on Stolen Land.” These three episodes were developed by LSP staff member Elizabeth Makarewicz as a guide to exploring issues of native justice and equity in Minnesota’s food system. This first episode seeks to answer the question, “What does it mean to be a non-indigenous person living on native land?” Elizabeth’s interviewee, Nora Murphy, attempts to answer this question in her book, White Birch, Red Hawthorn.

Tell Policymakers it’s Time to Fully Invest in Forever Green

For the first time in Minnesota state legislative history, full funding for the Forever Green Initiative, —$10 million for the biennium—has been included in an omnibus finance bill. This is something to celebrate — it would not have been possible without the efforts of Land Stewardship Project members, our allies, and legislative champions. This year…  Read More

LSP Supports Positive Direction of Walz Administration on Healthcare Budget

The Land Stewardship Project works for solutions to the healthcare crisis in rural Minnesota because we know that lack of affordable, high-quality care is a major barrier to having thriving rural communities with more farmers on the land. We are pleased to see that Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan’s proposed Budget for…  Read More

‘Migration Stories Past & Present’ Event Jan. 21 in Montevideo

MONTEVIDEO, Minn. — A special community conversation to uncover the realities and impacts of migration will be held on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, Jan. 21, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Montevideo Community Center (550 S. 1st Street). This “Migration Stories Past and Present” event is sponsored by the Land Stewardship Project…  Read More

Sign the Petition by Nov. 10 to Call for Bold Action on Healthcare

Demand Bold Action from Our Next Governor on the Rural Healthcare Crisis High premiums, closing rural clinics and few available insurance plans mean rural people are too often not getting quality healthcare. This is a matter of life and death. Sign and share the LSP petition calling on our next Governor to make this a…  Read More