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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Building Connections Over Food Justice

My name is Maria Russo and I am a senior at the University of Minnesota majoring in political science. This semester I was a part of HECUA’s Environmental Sustainability: Science, Public Policy and Community Action program. HECUA stands for Higher Education Consortium of Urban Affairs and is an off-campus study program. The program I’m in…  Read More

Our Voices Matter: Minneapolis Park Board Adds Racial Equity to Urban Ag Plan

On May 21, Neighborhoods Organizing for Change member and Food Justice Leader Selam Yosief joined dozens of others in demanding racial equity in the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB) Urban Agriculture Activity Plan. “I ask you Park Board to take action tonight and add racial equity into the plan,” said Yosief. Later, she reflected…  Read More