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Searched for: 2022 farm creatures of lsp calendar

Call Your Legislators & Tell Them to Stop the Sunset of the Provider Tax

In our democracy, it is up to us to make sure that our elected officials act in the best interests of our communities and the land and that our government wisely uses public resources to meet public needs. For decades, stable funding for public healthcare programs and public health initiatives in Minnesota has come from…  Read More

LSP Statement on Minnesota Sands’ Appeal to Minnesota Supreme Court

On Aug. 30, frac sand corporation Minnesota Sands filed a petition with the Minnesota Supreme Court in a continued attempt to subvert local democracy and undo the frac sand ban in southeastern Minnesota’s Winona County. The ordinance was passed by Winona County Commissioners after they listened to the will of the people, and has already…  Read More

LSP Statement on Appellate Court Upholding Winona County Frac Sand Ban

The Minnesota Court of Appeals today upheld Winona County’s ordinance banning frac sand mining. The court upheld that Winona County acted fully within its rights in using its zoning authority to prohibit industrial mining operations. This ruling further affirms that the proper role of government is to take bold action to protect the common good,…  Read More

We Need Gov. Dayton’s Veto

We need Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton to use his veto pen. The “Guilty by Association” legislation, Senate File 3463, was passed by the Minnesota Legislature Saturday and is on its way to the Governor’s desk. This bill is being driven by corporate interests that want to chill dissent and prevent people from standing up to…  Read More

Tell Governor Dayton to Get Out His Veto Pen

The Minnesota Legislative Session ends May 21 and corporate interests and their legislative allies are pushing bills that violate Minnesotans’ values and put corporate interests before the public good. We need to speak up now to ensure these harmful policies don’t pass. Many of the worst policies have been rolled into a massive omnibus finance…  Read More

LSP Statement on Latest Attempt to Undermine the Winona County Frac Sand Ban

On Tuesday, Jan. 16, frac sand corporation Minnesota Sands, LLC, filed a notice of appeal declaring its intent to challenge a district court ruling upholding the Winona County, Minn., frac sand ban. Pro-frac sand interests’ attempt to overturn the ordinance in Winona County District Court was dismissed with prejudice in November 2017 by Minnesota District…  Read More

LSP Statement on Court Ruling to Uphold the Winona County Frac Sand Ban

On Nov. 17, Minnesota District Court Judge Mary Leahy dismissed with prejudice pro-frac sand interests’ claims in their attempt to undo the Winona County, Minn., frac sand ban. The judge ruled that the county acted fully within its authority in passing this ordinance to protect public health, safety and general welfare from industrial mining operations.…  Read More