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Ear to the Ground 224: Living on Stolen Ground

This is the first in a three-part series titled “Farming on Stolen Land.” These three episodes were developed by LSP staff member Elizabeth Makarewicz as a guide to exploring issues of native justice and equity in Minnesota’s food system. This first episode seeks to answer the question, “What does it mean to be a non-indigenous person living on native land?” Elizabeth’s interviewee, Nora Murphy, attempts to answer this question in her book, White Birch, Red Hawthorn.

Action Needed for State Investment in a New Ag Economy

We at the Land Stewardship Project have a strong vision for rural Minnesota where our communities are vibrant, our soil and water healthy and our local economies are strong. Our vision for people and the land can’t happen without bold policies and a real investment of our public dollars. Our state leaders are not embracing…  Read More

Good News: Winona County Respects the Animal Unit Cap!

Last night, after six hours of presentations by members of the public, the Winona County Board of Adjustment denied a request to exceed the county’s animal unit cap by nearly four-fold. The Board of Adjustment found that the record clearly showed the variance request did not meet the legal requirement for a variance. (Full information…  Read More

LSP Supports Positive Direction of Walz Administration on Healthcare Budget

The Land Stewardship Project works for solutions to the healthcare crisis in rural Minnesota because we know that lack of affordable, high-quality care is a major barrier to having thriving rural communities with more farmers on the land. We are pleased to see that Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan’s proposed Budget for…  Read More

MPCA Failure to Order In-depth Environmental Review of Massive Winona County Dairy Expansion to be Challenged in Court

Science & Public Record Ignored by MPCA’S Failure to Order EIS on Daley Mega-Dairy Expansion LEWISTON, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is challenging in court the recent decision by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to reject the public’s call for an in-depth Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed massive expansion of…  Read More

North Dakota’s Joshua Dukart to Lead Farm Finances & Soil Health Workshop in Faribault Jan. 23

FARIBAULT, Minn.— Faced with challenging financial pressure and growing weather extremes, how do farmers go about building soil and improving yields and profits? A “Building Soil for Farm Profitability: Key Steps to Successful Financial Decision-making” workshop will answer this question Wednesday, Jan. 23, from 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Faribault Elks Club (131…  Read More