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Our Minnesota Food & Farm Campaign Platform

LSP's Priorities for the 2023 MN Legislature

This summer and fall, Land Stewardship Project members have been hard at work preparing for the 2023 Minnesota state legislative session, which begins on Tuesday, January 3. Hundreds of LSP members, supporters, and allies across the state have engaged in workshops, surveys, and one-to-one visits to lay out what they’re excited for our organization to…  Read More

The 3 Ps of Farmland Conservation: Passion, Policy & Price

While leading a group of natural resource professionals through one of his dairy pastures one early fall day, Martin Jaus made it crystal clear he farms the land for more than a milk check. “Every day we see something that just amazes us,” he said with a smile. “One day I was making hay and…  Read More

Grazing Field Day Aug. 10 at Fire Rock Farm Near Starbuck

STARBUCK, Minn. — Do you want to get a firsthand look at how one Pope County farm is utilizing rotational grazing of pastures and cover crops to produce livestock? There will be a field day and pasture walk on Thursday, Aug. 10, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Shane and Jessica Blair’s Fire…  Read More