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Searched for: ella robertson eric wana 2020

Farm Transitions: A Transition Power Team

A Farm Transfers Ownership & a Farmer Transfers into a New Role What’s that stuff in soil that’s supposed to provide humans a sense of wellbeing? You know, like a protozoa-based version of Prozac? Emmalyn Kayser is trying to come up with the name on a recent March afternoon as she and Chris Burkhouse squat…  Read More

LSP Calls for EIS Order to Remain on Massive Frac Sand Mining Proposal

Despite Previous Rulings, MN Sands Attempts to Yet Again Circumvent Environmental Law LEWISTON, Minn. — The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) today called on the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to continue to enforce its requirement of a comprehensive environmental review of a proposed frac sand mining project in southeastern Minnesota. Earlier this week, EQB considered…  Read More

Agriculture, Insects, Ecology & Economics

An Entomologist Sees Farms as Part of the Solution to Biodiversity Loss It’s called the “windshield effect” — a harsh but effective way to gauge insect populations. The more dead bugs smashed on the front end of your F-150, the more live ones buzzing around in surrounding fields. Scientists, and anyone who drives for that…  Read More

Community-Based Meat Processing as a Public Good

Many small and medium-size farms are trying to survive by selling meats directly to retail customers and restaurants. The idea shows promise as a way to revitalize an economy otherwise in the shadow of huge farming enterprises. We need slaughterhouses; several good, new up-to-date buildings should be placed throughout the state to serve the growing…  Read More

Now is the Time to Create a More Humane Healthcare System

As of today— April 10 — due to the outbreak of COVID-19, nearly 350,000 Minnesotans have applied for unemployment benefits. That is already more than the total number of applicants in all of 2019. Nationally, 16.6 million Americans have applied for unemployment benefits in the past three weeks. In the wake of a global pandemic,…  Read More

IMPENDING VOTE: Contact Elected Officials to Protect Free Speech

The government of Minnesota belongs to the people of Minnesota — not to outside corporate interests who write special laws for themselves that threaten our democracy. Land Stewardship Project members know why free speech is so important. Since the 1980s, members across the state have been leveraging our collective power to fight against farm foreclosures,…  Read More

‘From Entomology to Economics’ Soil Health Workshop March 6 in Goodhue

GOODHUE, Minn. — A workshop entitled, “From Entomology to Economics: Building Soil Health with Jonathan Lundgren,” will be offered by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) on Friday, March 6, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Lion’s Community Center (105 Broadway St.) in Goodhue. It will feature presentations by Dr. Lundgren and a panel featuring…  Read More