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Searched for: farmland for sale minnesota east central

Ending Protections for ‘Dreamers’ Weakens All of Us

Today, the Trump Administration ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. We believe this is a short-sighted and damaging action which the Land Stewardship Project opposes. Since DACA was started in 2012, the program has provided legal protection for nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. These people…  Read More

Healthy Soil, Healthy Farms, Healthy Communities (2nd of 2 parts)

Talking about the importance of feeding soil microbes is fine. Speaking with your feet is even better. “Take a closer look—anything you tramp down is just carbon in the soil,” quips soil conservationist Jay Fuhrer on a Thursday afternoon in early September. As he says this, he’s beckoning some 120 farmers and others to follow…  Read More

Bernhardt: ‘I hope the federal government will honor their commitments to farmers.’

MN Senate Hearing Highlights How Government Programs Benefit Individual Farmers & Communities

“I know it’s really valuable to know what I can count on. When I signed a contract with the government, I should be able to plan ahead for my season and count on that.” — LSP Program Committee chair & farmer, Hannah Bernhardt ♦ ♦ ♦ On Feb. 17, the Minnesota Senate Agriculture Committee heard from farmers…  Read More

Breaking the Meat Processing Bottleneck

Endowed Chair Puts the Right People in the Right Place to Address a Critical Problem

A cornerstone of creating a regenerative agricultural system in the Upper Midwest is reintegrating livestock onto the land in a way that farmers can add value to forages and grains while cycling nutrients in a manner that manure becomes a way to build soil biology, rather than a waste product to be disposed of. Over…  Read More

Senate Ag Committee Releases Farm Bill Draft

How LSP’s Top Priorities Fare in the Proposed Legislation

For decades, Land Stewardship Project members have been organizing to ensure that our federal farm policy serves people and the land, not corporate interests. This latest Farm Bill cycle has been no different. With approximately $1.5 trillion on the table, it’s important that LSP members are engaged in the process of drafting and passing a…  Read More

Tell Your MN House Member Today to Lower Prescription Drug Costs & Reject Poison Pill Amendments

MN Legislature is Considering the PDAF Proposal THIS WEEK

During this legislative session, Minnesota lawmakers are considering the passage of a bill to create a PRESCRIPTION DRUG AFFORDABILITY BOARD (PDAB) and pharmaceutical corporations are doing everything they can to stop it. On Friday, April 14, an amendment was passed on the Senate Floor that would exclude rare disease drugs, as well as any drug that has been…  Read More

Legislation to Reinstate MPCA Community Board gets 1st Hearing in MN Senate March 9

Citizens’ Board Was Eliminated after Ordering an EIS on a Factory Farm

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — A bill to reinstate a key body for allowing Minnesota residents to have a say in the future of their communities’ environmental health will be considered during a legislative hearing on Thursday, March 9. The Senate State and Local Government and Elections Committee will consider the reinstatement of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s…  Read More

Tell the Legislature: Reinstate the MPCA Citizens’ Board

Time to Contact Lawmakers & Attend a Hearing

One of the Land Stewardship Project’s core values is democracy. We believe that those most impacted by the decisions our state agencies make should have a meaningful voice in the decision-making process. Yet, since the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Citizens’ Board was abolished in 2015, agency decisions have become increasingly opaque, the public has had…  Read More

Legislative Update: Fair Farm Economy, Resilient Climate, Soil Health, Land Access & Regional Food on the Table

LSP is Championing 15 Bills (So Far)

This past fall, hundreds of Land Stewardship Project members from across Minnesota came together to build a holistic, state policy campaign — the “Minnesota Food and Farm Campaign.” Now, as the 2023 session of the Minnesota Legislature hits its stride, we’re translating our agenda into legislation. LSP is championing 15 bills (so far) to build…  Read More

LSP Statement on MN Governor’s Budget Proposal

Budget Provides Needed Support for Small & Mid-sized Farms, but Maintains a Corporate-Centered Status Quo in MN Ag Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s two-year budget proposal was released Jan. 26. The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) applauds the measures included in this budget that require the wealthiest individuals and major corporations in our state to contribute their…  Read More